The Role of Financial Knowledge and Behaviour to Sustain Future Business Resilience
The Covid-19 pandemic has made economic and business conditions unstable. This causes a decline in the economic and business sectors which can lead to business failure. It is hoped that younger generation as future of the nation will not experience the same problem. So it is necessary to provide an understanding of financial knowledge and financial behaviour to the younger generation. This article aims to determine the role of financial knowledge and financial behaviour to the younger generation to sustain future business resilience. The data used is primary data that collected through questionnaires distributed to 579 samples of the younger generation at Islamic educational institutions in Surakarta Residence using convenience sampling technique. Quantitative approaches and descriptive analysis were used to answer the research questions. The result indicate that there is a relationship between financial knowledge and financial behaviour that can be used for younger generation to sustain future business resilience which consists of antecedents of inherent resilience, engineering resilience and adaptive resilience, so it is necessary to inculcate financial knowledge and behaviour since early stage.
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