The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value with Profitability as Intervening Variable
Study on Manufacturing Companies Registered at ISSI 2016-2020
This study aims to determine the effect of intellectual capital on firm value through the financial performance of manufacturing companies in the basic and chemical industry sub-sectors listed on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index. This research data use secondary data, namely panel data from a research period from 2016 to 2020. The dependent variable used is firm value. The independent variable used is intellectual capital. And the intervening variable is profitability. The population of this research is basic and chemical industrial manufacturing companies registered at ISSI. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling with random sample selection with certain considerations. The analytical method used in this research is path analysis to find out whether intellectual capital affects firm value through profitability as an intervening variable. The data obtained is processed using the SPSS 23 tool. The results of this study indicate that intellectual capital does not affect the firm value if it is mediated by profitability.
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