Determinants of Investment Interest in The Millennial Generation of Salatiga in the Sharia Capital Market
The purpose of this research is to determine the variables
influencing the investment interest of the millennial generation in Salatiga
in sharia capital market. The variables employed were sharia financial
literacy and technology development with the approach of planned
behaviour theory. Therefore, the variables were developed into attitude
toward behaviour, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control,
financial self efficacy, and technology development. The data used were
primary data from distributing questionaries to 100 millennial generation in
Salatiga as the samples. The data analysis applied was multiple regression
linear by using instrument test, classical assumption test, and statistic test.
The data analysis result showed that the attitude toward behaviour and the
perceived behavioural control positively and significantly influence toward
the investment interest. On the other hand the subjective norms and the
technology development positively but not significantly influence toward
the investment interest. Meanwhile, the financial self efficacy negatively but
significantly influence toward the investment interest.
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