E-Service Quality, E-Loyalty, and E-Satisfaction Muslim Travellers
This study aims to determine the effect of e-service quality on e- loyalty with e-satisfaction as an intervening variable for muslim travellers. The population are Traveloka users in Java. Purposive random sampling are used. The sample was obtained from 170 respondents by online collecting data questionnaire. SPSS 21.0 program are used to data analyze. The analytical tool were Multiple Regression and Path Analysis. The results showed that: e-service quality aspects of reliability, tangible, and empathy had a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction. E- satisfaction and E-Service have a positive and significant impact on e- loyalty. E-satisfaction can mediate the impact of reliability, tangible, and empathy on e-loyalty, while responsiveness and assurance do not mediate the effect of e-satisfaction on e-loyalty The results of this study can theoretically strengthen the existing theory that e-satisfaction can mediate the effect of reliability, tangible and empathy on e-loyalty, while responsiveness and assurance do not mediate the impact of e-satisfaction on e-loyalty. The practical implications in this study are used as input for platform provider to improve the quality of services provided by platform provider to muslim travelers.
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