Influence Sharia Compliance, Relational Marketing, and Service Excellent to Customer loyalty

Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variable in Bank Muamalat Indonesia

  • Abdul Aziz Nugraha Pratama Universitas Islam Negeri
  • Mir'atul Hardiniawati Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga


This study aims for know how much influence Sharia Compliance, Relational Marketing, and Service Excellent to Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as variable Intervening at Bank Muamalat Indonesia KCP Salatiga, Indonesia. Data collection was carried out with spread questionnaire to customers as many as 97 respondents. Study This use method quantitative with technique data collection in the form of probability sampling manifold processed simple random sampling with IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Analysis techniques in the form of validity test, reliability test, assumption test classic, statistical test, and path analysis test. Based on T-test test results obtained that sharia compliance influential positive and no significant to customer loyalty, Relational Marketing influential positive and significant to customer loyaltys, Service Excellent influential negative and no significant to customer loyalty. In the Path Analysis test show that Customer Satisfactions capable mediate influence Relational Marketing to loyalty, however No capable mediate influence sharia compliance to Customer Loyaltyand not mediate Service Excellent to customer loyalty


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How to Cite
Pratama, A., & Hardiniawati, M. (2023). Influence Sharia Compliance, Relational Marketing, and Service Excellent to Customer loyalty. Annual International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (AICIEB), 3, 85-94.