The Indonesian Macroeconomics Perspective: Halal Industry Sector be enhancing the Growth of Income per Capita

  • Dewi Mahrani Rangkuty Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


The purpose of writing this article is to examine the macroeconomic perspective of the halal industry sector on per capita income in Indonesia. The method used is qualitatively descriptive through the study of literature and literature. The halal industry sector in Indonesia has contributed to GDP based on the field sector. High GDP values support high per capita income through income distribution. There are several sub-sectors of the halal industry that contribute to the Indonesian economy. Recommended to the Indonesian government through the ministries of trade, MSMEs and Cooperatives to continue to support the acceleration of improvement in the realization of halal brands.


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How to Cite
Rangkuty, D. (2021). The Indonesian Macroeconomics Perspective: Halal Industry Sector be enhancing the Growth of Income per Capita. Annual International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (AICIEB), 1, 32-38.