Examining the Development of Sharia Accounting Research in Indonesia through a Systematic Literature Review
This article aims to comprehensively examine how Sharia accounting research in Indonesia has evolved, highlighting critical issues and providing guidance for future research directions. The article uses articles indexed in Scopus and Sinta 2, totaling 41 articles. It maps the academic themes into five categories, namely "Sharia Accounting and Its Application," "Education and Perception about Sharia Accounting," "Psychological and Social Aspects in Sharia Accounting," "Instruments and Financial Products of Sharia," and "Islamic Philanthropy." From the division into these five academic themes, it can be concluded that the implementation of Sharia accounting in Indonesia is still relatively lacking and continues to use practices from conventional accounting. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the theoretical development and review of issues related to the development and implementation of Sharia accounting in Indonesia.
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