Development Strategy of Halal Tourism Concept in Keratonan Kasepuhan with Network Analysis
The concept of halal tourism in Keratonan Kasepuhan is an appropriate effort in optimizing tourism development in Keratonan Kasepuhan. Keratonan Kasepuhan has the appropriate potential in the main elements of the formation of halal tourism. This research was conducted as a form of contribution and pouring ideas on optimizing the concept of halal tourism development in Keratonan Kasepuhan. This research was conducted by involving Cirebon City Culture and Tourism Office, Keratonan Kasepuhan Cirebon Management Agency, Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon Arts Group, Academics, traders and tourists of Keratonan Kasepuhan as keyperson in the object of research. The analysis method used is Analytical Network Process (ANP) to determine priorities in a tourism development, especially halal tourism Keratonan Kasepuhan. The results showed that the priority strategies for developing the concept of halal tourism in Keratonan Kasepuhan include providing facilities, infrastructure, and supporting facilities such as places of prayers, sharia hotels, and halal food in Keratonan Kasepuhan area, creating tour packages that meet the general criteria of halal tourism in Keratonan Kasepuhan, establishing halal tourism information center of Keratonan Kasepuhan, organizing cultural and religious events at the Keratonan Kasepuhan on a routine basis, and planning regulations related to halal tourism in Keratonan Kasepuhan.
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