A Comparison of DEA CCR and DEA Aggressive in Determining The Efficiency of Indonesian Islamic Banking
This study aims to measure the efficiency of processes in Islamic banking. Efficiency measurement needs to find out about the optimization of existing processes in Islamic banking. Efficiency assessment in Islamic banking can help in the risk management process and optimization of available resources. The main objective in a process is to maximize a number of input variables to produce a number of input variables. So the process needs to be measured and its efficiency seen. Because the main purpose of the efficiency measurement process is as evaluation material and as a basis for policies to maintain and improve process efficiency. The sample used in the study was monthly data from 2018-2022. To measure efficiency, data envelopment analysis method was used. The results of the analysis obtained were that in the DEA CCR analysis there were 35% of the total that did not achieve efficiency. In general, the DEA CCR results show that the 2022 period is the best period in achieving efficiency. Different results are shown in the DEA Aggressive that from all observed periods, the January 2022 period is the best period with an efficiency value of 2,26338.
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