Bibliometric Analysis: Sustainable Finance through Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Principles
This study aims to explore the application of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in the context of sustainable finance and its impact on the long-term sustainability of companies. Due to increasing global awareness of issues such as climate change and the social environment of companies, ESG principles are important for investors and companies when making decisions. The Bibliometric research used the VOSviewer approach. The analysis framework was based on an extensive data set from the Scopus from 2011 to mid-2024. 427 articles were published after taking several stages of the research protocol. The results of this study state an overview of the importance of implementing sustainable finance by both companies and governments. Based on the results of this study, it can be said that the implementation of sustainable finance and ESG in developing countries has been very low. The results of this study are expected to provide deeper insights into the implementation of sustainable finance and encourage further collaboration to achieve global sustainability goals. By integrating ESG principles, it is hoped that companies can not only achieve good financial performance but also contribute to overall social and environmental welfare.
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