The Influence of Compensation, Sharia Bank Reputation and Religious Value on Interest of Applying for Job to Sharia Bank with Competency as Intervening Variable
This study aims to determine the effect of compensation, reputation and the value of religiosity on interest in applying with competence as an intervening variable. (Case Study of FEBI Graduate Students ) . In this study using quantitative methods by processing primary data obtained through questionnaires given to students of FEBI as many as 100 respondents with accidental sampling technique. Then the data obtained was processed with SPSS version 22.0. The analysis used in this research includes instrument test, statistical test, classical assumption test and path analysis. Based on the test results, it shows that compensation has a positive and significant effect on interest. Reputation has a positive and significant effect on interest. The value of religiosity has a positive and significant effect on interest. Compensation has a negative and insignificant effect on interest. Compensation has a positive and significant effect on Interest through Competence as an Intervening . Reputation has a negative and insignificant effect on Interest through Competence as an Intervening . The value of religiosity has no significant negative effect on Interest through Competence as an Intervening
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