Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students <p><strong>AICOIES 2022:&nbsp;</strong>ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS (<em><strong>ISSN:&nbsp;2830-5841</strong></em>)<br><strong>Theme:</strong> INDIGENOUS CULTURE BASED ISLAMIC EDUCATION FOR MODERATING RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION IN THE PUBLIC SPHERE<br><strong>Sub Theme:&nbsp;</strong>Education; Learning; Art; Culture; Digital Literacy; Religious Moderation<br><strong>Important Dates:&nbsp;</strong><em>Deadline of Registration</em>: June 14, 2022 |&nbsp;<em>Deadline of Abstract Submission</em>: June 14, 2022 |&nbsp;<em>Deadline for Uploading PPt File &amp; Full Paper</em>: June 21, 2022 |&nbsp;<em>Deadline for Uploading Fullpaper Revisions</em>: June 28, 2022</p> en-US (Miftahuddin) (Marisa Fran Lina) Thu, 22 Feb 2024 11:10:51 +0000 OJS 60 DEVELOPMENT OF POE (PREDICT-OBSERVE-EXPLAIN) TEACHING MODULES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' SCIENTIFIC THINKING SKILLS IN SCIENCE SUBJECTS <p>The ability to think scientifically is an ability that students must have to face 21st century life. One way that can be done to improve students' scientific thinking skills is to apply the POE learning model to the teaching modules used. One way that can be done to improve students' scientific thinking skills is to apply the POE learning model to the teaching modules used. The POE learning model is a learning model that focuses on three main activities, namely predicting, observing, and explaining. In this study, the goal to be achieved is to find out the validity of teaching modules, the practicality of teaching modules, and the effectiveness of teaching modules in improving scientific thinking skills. This research will be conducted using the Borg n Gall model RnD method. The results of the research obtained in this research can be seen that the POE teaching module has been declared valid by validators, the level of practicality of the teaching module developed at the limited trial stage is classified as practical for teachers and very practical for students, then at the wide-scale trial stage the practicality level of the teaching module is classified as very practical both by teachers and students,&nbsp; The teaching modules developed have been said to be effective in improving students' scientific thinking skills, this is due to an increase in N-gain scores from limited trial stages to wide-scale trials of 0.022.</p> Aulia Hilda Nurrahmah, Retno Widyaningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EXPERIMENTATION OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL ASSISTED BY ISLAMIC-INTEGRATED LKPD ON STUDENTS' MATHEMATICAL LITERACY SKILLS <p><em>This study aims to analyze integrated student worksheets on flat-side geometry material (cubes and blocks) in problem-based learning to improve students' mathematical literacy. Teachers' use of contextual learning made some students need more mathematical literacy abilities. This is proved by PISA 2018 data which shows that Indonesia is still ranked at the bottom. The method of this research is quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group design. The independent variable of this research is a problem-based learning model assisted by student activity sheets, and the dependent variable is mathematical literacy. The population of this study is the students at MTs Surya Buana Malang City, with a sample of the research is two classes of nine-grade students. The A class of nine-grade students will be the experimental class, and the B class as the control class. The research instrument used descriptive text. The data analysis technique uses an independent sample t-test. The results of the study concluded that the increase in the mathematical literacy of students who received problem-based learning assisted by Integrated Worksheets was significantly better than students who received conventional learning, as indicated by a significant result of 0.000 &lt; 0.005 (H<sub>0</sub>&nbsp; rejected).</em></p> Nurmalia Khoirunisa Zain, Ulfa Masamah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE DIVERSITY OF INDONESIA IN BORDER COMMUNITIES <p>The concept of religious moderation is a step taken by the Indonesian people in strengthening national and religious commitment. Moderation is a word that is often misinterpreted by Indonesian people, so moderate must really be understood with faith in religion which teaches the principles of justice and balance which lead to the truth about the true goals of religion itself. The development of technology into the era of society 5.0 has made communication media more modern, all processes involved have been revolutionized. The writing of this article is in the form of descriptive qualitative. The research results were obtained from interviews and direct field observations that the researcherss carried out while participating in the Archipelago Community Service Program for 45 days in Entikong Village. The researchers made observations in stages during the KKN until the researchers succeeded in writing the results of the research in this article. The results of interviews and observations were concluded so as to obtain the main topic that the researchers studied. Religious differences do not make it difficult for border communities to interact with one another.</p> Sartika Sari, Aulia Mustika Ilmiani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:44:17 +0000 INCREASING READING AND CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS TO FACE THE THREAT OF AI IN THE MODERN DIGITAL ERA <p>For some, Artificial Intelligence is regarded as a threat to human existence and job opportunities. However, I perceive this phenomenon differently. For some, AI will occupy many job opportunities. However, for me, human has and is still a part of the future. Human beings have thinking mechanisms that are quite different compared to AI. If humans want to be on the map, humans should develop skills that are unattainable for AI such as intuition and empathy. Critical thinking and learning are the keys to that purpose. In this paper, I will prove my stance based on a research method which is called a Systematic Literature Review (SLR).</p> Saiddaeni Saiddaeni, Kholis Firmansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:44:30 +0000 HABITUATION OF READING JUZ AMMA AND DHUHA PRAYER IN FOSTERING SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE OF GRADE III STUDENTS AT MI MA'ARIF NGRUPIT PONOROGO <p class="Abstrakabstractcontent" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">Advances in technology have made the current generation forget religious knowledge, resulting in a weakening of the character and morals of students starting from bad attitudes, speech and behavior, therefore it is necessary to balance this with the habit of reading juz amma and praying dhuha in cultivating students' spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence can cultivate religious values <span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">​​</span>as a basis for doing something positive so that it can develop for the better. This study aims to: 1) find out the habit of reading juz amma in growing students' spiritual intelligence, 2) find out the habit of Duha prayer in growing spiritual intelligence student. This type of research is qualitative. Data collection techniques are obtained from observations, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that 1) The habit of reading juz amma in cultivating the spiritual intelligence of class III students at MI Ma'arif Ngrupit Ponorogo is by doing it repeatedly every Monday to Saturday which is carried out together by understanding the contents of the Al-Quran which can provide peace of mind of students so that they can foster students' spiritual intelligence, 2) The habit of Duha prayer in cultivating the spiritual intelligence of students in class III at MI Ma'arif Ngrupit Ponorogo is by carrying out every day starting at 07.30 until it is finished in order to teach students to worship or ask for help only to God and always draw closer to him.</p> Ricky Cahya Permatasari, Mukhlison Efendi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:44:45 +0000 THE DEVELOPMENT OF STEM-BASED SCIENCE MODULE: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW <p>This research was conducted in order to analyze literature related to STEM-Based Module Development. The purpose of this research is to select articles that are worthy of analysis related to STEM-Based Module Development. The benefit of this research is to facilitate researchers in obtaining proper literature to be analyzed related to the title of the research to be conducted by researchers. The method of this study is using the PRISMA method, which is a method that has steps consisting of identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion. This research was conducted to analyze the literature related to STEM-Based Module Development. The purpose of this research is to select articles that are worthy of analysis related to STEM-Based Module Development. The benefit of this research is that it makes it easier for researchers to obtain the right literature to be analyzed related to the title of the research that will be carried out by researchers. This research method uses the PRISMA method, which is a method that has steps consisting of identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion. Based on the literature review of 3 scientific articles, it can be concluded that the method used in the research was development research (R&amp;D) with 3 articles, with different models, namely 2 rnd articles with 4D mode, 1 article the ADDIE model. most of the previous research carried out module development for classroom learning up to the implementation stage. In previous research also suggested that for further research it is hoped that researchers will increase more research related to STEM-Based Modules.</p> Rizka Amalia Putri, Zubaidah Amir MZ, Aldeva Ilhami ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:56:22 +0000 PROJECT-BASED LEARNING USING SCRAPBOOK ON HUMAN RESPIRATION SYSTEM MATERIAL TO IMPROVE CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS <p>The development of learning models in the 21st century is currently very interesting, one of which is using a learning model in the form of project-based learning which requires students to make a product with work that is quite realistic and useful and can be sold. In addition, learning to make products also involves a process of creative thinking in students before they put their ideas or ideas into the products they will make. Before they make them require to design, study the materials associated to make the product. Students are required to understand the material by making very interesting works. This research aims to improve students' creative thinking in high school in learning biology in class through the application of unique and interesting learning. The research method used is a quantitative method and literature study which involves quantitative analysis of the normality test, homogeneity test, and the Mann Withney U test. The research results show that there is a significant difference by looking at the average results of the pretest and posttest after the learning has been carried out. This shows that making scrapbooks in biology learning can be effective as a learning innovation so that it is not too monotonous.</p> Sahara Putri Rizky, Djohar Maknun, Yuyun Maryuningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:56:36 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING (CPS) LEARNING MODEL ON SELF-CONFIDENCE AND CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS OF GRADE 5 STUDENTS MIN 3 PONOROGO <p>In the existing reality, many students feel bored with the same learning model, seem monotonous, uninteresting, and students' responses are less active. The learning model is less attractive which can influence students' learning desires to foster students' self-confidence and creative thinking abilities.The research aims to determine the effect of students' self-confidence and creative thinking skills by using the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model in class V MIN 3 Ponorogo. The approach in this study uses quantitative research, with a comparative experimental research type and the research design is True Experimental Design. The population in this study were students in class V MIN 3 Ponorogo as many as 76 students, then the sample used was 50 students, namely 25 students in the experimental class and 25 students in the control class. Collecting data in this study using tests and questionnaires. Data analysis of the results of this study used the pillai's trace model multivariate test, the test of between-subject effects, and the independent t test. Based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out by researchers, it can be concluded that self-confidence using the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model with a total of 25 respondents shows the lowest score of 82 and the highest score of 94 and the average score is 88. With the high category 24 %, medium 64%, and low 12%. While the ability to think creatively using the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model with a total of 25 respondents shows the lowest score of 85 and the highest score of 96 and the average score is 90. With the high category 12%, medium 72%, and low 16%. The results of the analysis show a significance value of 0.00 &lt;0.05, then Ho3 is rejected. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on self-confidence and the ability to think creatively if the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model is applied to science learning for class V MIN 3 Ponorogo.</p> Siska Nur Shofa, Esti Yuli Widayant ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:56:50 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF APE NUMERACY BOARD IN THE INTRODUCTION OF CHILDREN'S MATHEMATICS IN GROUP B OF DHARMA WANITA KINDERGARTEN TEBULTIMUR PEGANTENAN PAMEKASAN <p>This research is motivated by the researcher's interest in deepening the uniqueness of the media of counting board educational game tools in the introduction of children's mathematics, which was made by one of the teachers having the latest innovations to attract children's attention in teaching and learning activities to introduce mathematics learning so that it is not monotonous and easily bored, and children's abilities can develop optimally, one of which is by making a counting board APE media, where the APE made by one of the teachers at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten has its own uniqueness, because it is made of materials that are easy to find and do not cost a fortune, namely made of natural materials in the form of a sturdy cardboard which is shaped into a block and on it is given a triangle so that it is in the form of a house building. in the introduction of mathematics through the use of APE counting boards, the purpose of this study 1) describes the implementation of using APE counting boards in the introduction of children's mathematics, 2) describe the achievement of children's development in the introduction of mathematics through the use of APE counting boards. This research method uses qualitative methods, with descriptive research type, the data obtained is by means of observation (observation) interviews and documentation, as for the analysis technique using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions while checking the validity of the data using extend the presence of researchers, persistence observation and triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the APE counting board in the introduction of mathematics to children, the teacher starts learning activities by explaining in advance slowly and in detail repeatedly and in combination with singing and the teacher also provides examples so that children can understand it, on the achievement of development in the use of APE counting board children can develop aspects of development, and the creativity and potential possessed by children can be honed and trained through the introduction of mathematics.</p> Sri Ambarwati, Luthfatun Nisa, Siti Nurlaili ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:57:04 +0000 RELIGIOUS MODERATION: ERADICING VIOLENCE THROUGH THE INSTRUMENT OF THE ISLAMIC CHARACTER OF THE KAFFAH IN THE FAMILY IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE QURAN <p>This diversity is of course a social capital for the Indonesian nation because Indonesia is known as a unique and multicultural country where each region has its own regional characteristics that are united in the same ideology and culture, namely Pancasila. However, many conflicts occur between religious communities. Liberal and radical thinking makes society anarchic and apathetic so that it needs to be returned to an understanding that is in accordance with Shari'a and fitrah, namely the inculcation of Islamic values in life with religious moderation. The inculcation of Islamic values starts from the family sphere. Researchers used the method of literature study. Literature study is a method used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study not from direct observation, but obtained from the results of research that has been carried out by previous researchers, in the form of books and scientific reports in articles or journals. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using descriptive analysis method. By describing the facts which are then followed by analysis, not merely describing, but also providing sufficient understanding and explanation. The purpose of this research is that Muslims can maintain brotherhood, respect differences and can instill an attitude of tolerance between religious communities by avoiding disputes. This research is useful for providing understanding to the community about the importance of instilling Islamic values as a whole and forming an attitude of religious moderation in the family so as to avoid acts of violence.</p> Mutiara Aulia, Nurussakinah Daulay ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:57:16 +0000 ANDROID GAME APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT WITH POWERPOINT AS VOCABULARY LEARNING MEDIA <p>Learning English vocabulary is currently still less effective due to the lack of use of learning media or the inappropriateness of existing learning media, thus becoming an obstacle in learning English vocabulary for teachers or instructors. Therefore, the development of teaching materials in the form of Android game applications must be developed using PowerPoint media. The purpose of this research is to facilitate users' English vocabulary learning through interesting and interactive game applications. The research method used is research and development method. The result of this research is an Android game application that can be installed on a smartphone. This application has several features such as vocabulary modules, educational games, vocabulary exercises and vocabulary quizzes. When trying this application, users found that the program was very easy to use, in accordance with the curriculum materials and helped improve their English skills.</p> A.B. Sulthan Nurya, Andi Muhammad Yauri, Nirwana Darwis ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:57:30 +0000 ANALYSIS OF THE LEVEL OF MODERATION OF FTIK UIN GUSDUR STUDENTS CLASS OF 2022 <p>Radicalism is a complex phenomenon and has many causative factors that are interrelated to one another. Lack of understanding of religious moderation is one of the causes of radicalism. The purpose of this study is to determine the moderation level of FTIK UIN GUSDUR students class of 2022. The level of moderation can be categorized by understanding the four indicators of religious moderation. The results of this study indicate that the moderate level of FTIK UIN GUSDUR students class of 2022 is in the very good category. The conclusion of this study is the importance of understanding religious moderation for students. Religious moderation courses can be the spearhead used by campuses to increase student moderation.</p> Abdulah Abdulah, Nurul Husnah Mustika Sari, Nabila Fitriyani, Yunestria Rizkiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:57:41 +0000 INCREASING STUDENTS' SCIENCE LITERACY THROUGH AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) HUMAN SENSE SYSTEM <p>This study aims to evaluate the increase in students' scientific literacy through the implementation of AR-assisted worksheets assisted by the human sensory system as an effort to increase students' scientific literacy. This research was conducted in March 2023 at Cilimus State High School. The research method used is a Quasi experimental design with nonequivalent design. The population in this study were all students of SMA Negeri Cilimus and the research sample was class XI IPA 4 as an experiment and XI IPA 6 as a control. The instruments used in this study were 10 essay test questions which contained 3 indicators of scientific literacy in competency aspects. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS software version 29. Based on the data analysis, it was found that there was an increase in students' scientific literacy by implementing the AR-assisted LKPD in the human sensory system. The results of the hypothesis test on increasing students' scientific literacy show a Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.001 &lt;0.05 so Ho is rejected Ha is accepted. The average scientific literacy ability of students using AR-assisted LKPD is higher than the average scientific literacy ability using conventional LKPD. The increase in scientific literacy of superior experimental class students on 3 indicators of scientific literacy with the average acquisition of each indicator is included in the high category.</p> Aenurohmah Aenurohmah, Yuyun Maryuningsih, Indah Rizki Anugrah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:57:53 +0000 STRENGTHENING CHARACTER EDUCATION THROUGH KULARI KE PANTAI FILM <p>Planting character education requires interesting media, such as film. The film entitled Kulari ke Pantai is a children's film that contains character education values. This study aims to describe the value of character education in the Kulari ke Pantai films and the relevance of character education values ​​in the Kulari ke Pantai films for elementary level students. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of library research. To analyze the value of character education in a film literary work entitled Kulari to the Beach, researchers used a didactic approach. The collection of research data uses the withdrawal method with content analysis techniques as a data analysis technique. The results showed that the film Kulari ke Pantai contains nine values ​​of character education, including the values ​​of social care, tolerance, love of the motherland, hard work, honesty, religion, responsibility, respect for achievement, and communicative/friendly. Social care and tolerance are the most dominant character values ​​in the film Kulari ke Pantai. All of that character values ​​have relevance to elementary level students. Religious ​​and tolerance are relevant to religious values. Loving the motherland is relevant to nationalist values. Honesty, responsibility, and reward achievements are relevant to the values ​​of integrity. Hard work is relevant to the value of being independent. Social caring and communicative/friendly values ​​are relevant to mutual cooperation values. The film entitled Kulari ke Pantai is a relevant medium for implementing the Strengthening Character Education (PPK) movement, especially for elementary level students.</p> Anafi Muntiah, Ayunda Riska Puspita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:58:08 +0000 STRATEGIES IN PREPARING PAI STUDENT COMPETENCIES PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS IN THE VUCA ERA: A CASE STUDY AT FTIK IAIN PONOROGO <p>Changes in world life that are increasingly rapid and sudden in nature require planning strategies. Likewise, students majoring in PAI need preparedness that needs to be planned to become reliable educators in answering all forms of problems. So, this study aims to explain: The strategy of the PAI department in preparing knowledge of prospective teacher students in the VUCA era, the strategy of the PAI department in preparing the skills of prospective teacher students in the VUCA era. The strategy of the PAI department in preparing the attitude of prospective teacher students in the VUCA era. To answer the above questions, researchers use a qualitative approach with the type of case study. The research results obtained are: (1) The strategy of the PAI department in preparing knowledge of prospective teacher students in the VUCA era, (a) providing motivation for student creativity, (b) interpreting religious teachings, (c) applying a clear vision, (d) development of scientific writing skills, namely Hopefully, when facing a problem students cannot conclude directly but need to be analyzed first through research conducted. (2) The strategy of the PAI department in preparing the skills of prospective teacher students in the VUCA era, namely (a) increasing the quality and quantity that can be honed and improved through hard skills and soft skills. (b) carry out supporting activities to improve students' skills as prospective teachers including internships (teaching assistants and real teaching), micro teaching courses, research methodology courses, and community service lectures. (3) The strategy of the PAI department in preparing the attitude of prospective teacher students in the VUCA era, namely (a) socializing in the community (b) the division of group assignments in class forms the spirit of organization and leadership attitudes</p> Aprilia Dian Sukmawati, Kharisul Wathoni ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:24:58 +0000 THE PHILOSOPHY OF HUMA BETANG AS A MEDIUM FOR REACTUALIZING THE VALUE OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN CENTRAL KALIMANTAN <p>This study examines the media of re-actualization of the value of moderation in religion in Central Kalimantan, namely the philosophy of Huma Betang. This research method is literature review or literature study which contains theories that are relevant to research problems. The results of this study indicate that in maintaining peace the people of Central Kalimantan have local wisdom that has long been believed by the community, namely the Huma Betang Philosophy which contains positive values such as the value of equality among humans, togetherness, kinship/brotherhood, unity, and obedience to the law so that it can be used as a as a media for re-actualizing the value of religious moderation in Central Kalimantan.</p> Aulia Kiftiah Kecana, Abdul Gofur ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:25:12 +0000 LITERATURE STUDY: THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC TEACHINGS IN INSTILLING RELIGIOUS ATTITUDES TOWARDS BIOLOGY LEARNING <p>The objectives of national education are outlined in Undang-Undang No. 20 of 2003 pasal 3, which aims to inculcate a religious attitude in students by integrating Islamic teachings from the Al-Quran into Biology. The integration of Islamic teachings originating from the Qur'an with Biology can produce a science course that achieves the objectives of national education in order to instill and cultivate religious attitudes in students. Al-An'am Ayat 99 contains material on plant morphology; QS. An-Naml Ayats 18-19 and QS.</p> Ayu Novita Ramadhani, Lilin Ika Nur Indahsari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:25:26 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING LKPD TO IMPROVE CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY <p>Students' critical thinking skills are very important in the learning process, because they can affect student learning outcomes. But today the ability to think critically is still a problem for students, especially in learning mathematics. This is because in teaching the teacher still uses conventional methods, does not involve the contextual world, and there are no teaching materials that support critical thinking skills. Therefore it is felt necessary to overcome this problem by developing Problem Based Learning Worksheets, because PBL is a learning model that involves the real world of students in learning and trains students' thinking activities. The purpose of this study is to describe how the development of LKPD and the effectiveness of PBL-based LKPD on critical thinking skills. The type of research used is (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Data analysis through expert judgment, and paired sample T test to determine the effectiveness of the model. The results of the material expert's assessment showed that the LKPD that had been developed was in a very appropriate category with a score of 88%, media experts showed a very feasible category with a score of 93%. Meanwhile, learning experts show a very feasible category with a score of 93.5%. The results of the student response questionnaire obtained an average of 98.5% in the very positive category. The average pre-test score was 52.95, while the post-test average was 84.77. And the results of the N-Gain score are 0.7001 in the high category and the N-Gain percent is 0.700084 with the effective category. So, it can be concluded that the use of LKPD in class V at SDN Kradinan 02 is said to be very positive.</p> Choirun Nisa, Ulum Fatmahanik ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:25:46 +0000 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENGLISH TEACHING-LEARNING IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MERDEKA CURRICULUM AT THE SEVENTH GRADE OF MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH NEGERI (MTsN) 3 PONOROGO <p>In the process of <em>Merdeka</em> Curriculum, English teachers participate in a number of technical consulting activities, but there are still some issues that need to be improved along the way. This study focuses on the discussion related to the implementation of English Subjects in the context of the <em>Merdeka</em> Curriculum at MTsN 3 Ponorogo. This type of research is a descriptive research in seventh grade with a qualitative approach through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis using WS Winkle’s Theory with data reduction, presentation, and conclusions. Based on data analysis found that (1) The lesson plan&nbsp; was based on the learning outcomes to be achieved (CP) of <em>Pancasila</em> Student Profile considering the goals to be achieved, what tools are used, what material is taught by evaluating and planning lessons using text book and not text. (2) The implementation was carried out differentiated and curricular through projects to strengthen <em>Pancasila</em> Student Profile. Teacher uses the implementation of learning activities based on the lesson plan that has been prepared by the teacher and uses learning methods adapted to the conditions of the students. The methods used are lecturing, presentation and discussion methods. In addition to conveying learning, this method was also used to hone students' skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. (3) The evaluation of English Subject in the context of <em>Merdeka</em> Curriculum at MTsN 3 Ponorogo is carried out by sumatif and formatif assesment.</p> Cilvia Nur W.R., Ahmadi Ahmadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:25:57 +0000 A CLOSER LOOK AT THE ATTITUDE OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION: FORMS AND CONCEPTS OF STRENGTHENING AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION <p>The millennial generation is a generation that has a higher level of inclusiveness and tolerance in religion compared to previous generations. However, the specifics of the millennial generation's religious moderation attitudes require proof. This article aims to 1) describe the attitude of religious moderation of the millennial generation. 2) find forms and concepts of strengthening religious moderation, and 3) related parties in its implementation. This article uses a qualitative approach with a meta-analysis method. Findings: 1) The millennial generation has three dominant religious moderation attitudes in social interactions, namely tolerance, openness and inclusiveness. 2) The form of strengthening the attitude of religious moderation in the millennial generation can be done through social media, social activities, interfaith dialog, and inclusive religious education. Then, the concept of strengthening moderation includes the concept of brotherhood (Ukhuwah)/Tolerance, dialogue, education, and peace promotion. 3) The parties that play a role in the implementation of strengthening religious moderation are individuals, groups, and the government. In conclusion, the implementation of concepts and forms of strengthening religious moderation by related parties will consistently strengthen the attitude of millennials who are inclusive and tolerant of religious differences and can strengthen interfaith harmony in society.</p> Dian Puspita Ramadhani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:26:09 +0000 THE UTILIZATION OF POWERPOINT AS A LEARNING MEDIA TO IMPROVE ENTHUSIASM AND SPEAKING ABILITY OF STUDENTS AT MIN 10 MEDAN <p><em>Currently, the world of technology continues to develop. This should be followed by the world of education. It is necessary to reform in the world of education, including in the field of learning media used. One of them is by utilizing media that uses technology such as Powerpoint which is part of the office work application form made by Microsoft. This study aims to determine the benefits of using Powerpoint media in learning in terms of the aspects of student enthusiasm and the development of language skills at MIN 10 Medan. The method used in this research is qualitative with data analysis using narrative techniques. The results showed that PowerPoint media helped students develop their language skills and students were more enthusiastic when learning using PowerPoint media. This can be seen from the students' expressions when learning took place, students gave positive responses to learning using Powerpoint media and students dared to speak in front of the class.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: </em><em>Learning media</em><em>, </em><em>Powerpoint</em><em>, </em><em>Media Outcomes</em></p> Mila Rosdiana Sianipar, Sapri Sapri, Zaini Dahlan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:26:19 +0000 CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS IN WRITING DESCRIPTION ESSAYS BASED ON LEARNING ANXIETY CLASS V MIN 2 PONOROGO <p>Indonesian language subjects aim to improve students' ability to communicate, both orally and in writing. In Indonesian language learning at MIN 2 Ponorogo, the material for writing essays, students have difficulty in developing ideas. Their essays are still limited to repetitive sentence patterns. One of the factors is influenced by learning anxiety which is considered an obstacle to learning so that it interferes with cognitive function. This article is to describe the ability to think creatively in writing description essays based on low, moderate and severe learning anxiety. The approach used is descriptive qualitative, with informants 22 students and 1 Indonesian language teacher. Data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires with data collection procedures, data presentation and conclusion verification. Data validity using source triangulation technique. The results show that students with low learning anxiety, creative thinking at level 3. At this level, students can show the elements of fluency in writing an essay. They do not experience difficulties in writing description essays and there is an element of novelty. Students with moderate learning anxiety, their creative thinking is at level 2. Students can write fluently and there is an element of novelty. Students with severe learning anxiety, their creative thinking is at level 1. They write fluently, but the essay is not from their own thoughts.</p> Diah Amy Permatasari, Yuentie Sova Puspidalia ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:26:32 +0000 TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVE ON INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM AT MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH NEGERI 1 PONOROGO <p>Independent curriculum is the newest curriculum launched by the Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim. As a new policy, it certainly raises a perspective from various parties including from teachers. This research was designed in the form of qualitative research and took the research location at MTsN 1 Ponorogo in this case, the data collection methods used were interviews, observation, and documentation. As for the data analysis techniques used are content analysis and thematic analysis. From the research it can be found that the results of the implementation of the independent curriculum include intra-curricular learning and Pancasila student projects, the teacher's perspective states that teachers agree with this curriculum because it gives teachers freedom in teaching and provides innovation in learning activities and the problems faced by teachers include difficulties in understanding the development of teaching modules and project modules, the prohibition of using mobile phones for students as a support for the implementation of learning activities and limited facilities in implementing Pancasila student projects.</p> Dita Rafika Lutfiani, Aries Fitriani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:26:44 +0000 THE ROLE OF TEACHERS IN FOSTERING RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD AT TK PEMBINA PAHANDUT <p>Early childhood education is something that is very important for us to give to children as early as possible. A school institution, especially for a teacher, must have a role in introducing religion because this role is very important as it is in fostering the value of tolerance. In cultivating the value of tolerance as early as possible which aims to make the child have a mutual respect for differences. The purpose of this study is to explain the important role of the teacher in instilling the value of tolerance in early childhood. The research used qualitative methods by observing and interviewing one of the teachers and documenting it. The results showed that the teacher's role in cultivating a tolerance value in children included designing a tolerance curriculum, having&nbsp;&nbsp; optimal&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; proportional competence and having a strong commitment in setting an example to children regarding values. -character values, one of which is the value of tolerance. The role of the teacher in instilling the value of tolerance can also be through learning activities using several methods such as setting an example, giving directions, habituating, storytelling activities, playing activities, and using media.</p> <p>Keywords: teacher’s role, tolerance value, early childhood, character, activities</p> Eka Nurhalisa, Saudah Saudah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTIVENESS OF ELECTRONIC STUDENT WORK SHEET (e-LKPD) USING LIVEWORKSHEETS BASED ON DISCOVERY LEARNING ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEM CONCEPTS OF LIFE ON LEARNING OUTCOMES OF CLASS VII STUDENTS <p>The use of conventional and general teaching materials is one of the causes of low student learning outcomes. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of using Electronic Student Worksheets (e-LKPD) with Liveworksheets based on Discovery Learning the concept of life organization systems on learning outcomes for class VII students at MTsN 9 Boyolali. This research is a pre-experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design, with one experimental class. The sample of this research was class VII A students of MTsN 9 Boyolali who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the use of e-LKPD with Liveworksheets based on Discovery Learning the concept of an effective life organization system on student learning outcomes as evidenced by the results of data analysis, namely the normality test obtained a value of Sig. &gt; The value of α is 0.200 &gt; 0.05, and the homogeneity test results obtained Sig. Based on Mean &gt; the value of α is 0.056 &gt; 0.05 and the results of the t-test obtained the value of Sig. &lt; 0.05, which is 0.000 with the standard deviation value obtained, which is 29, then the t-count is 14.130, while the t-table value is 2.045. Comparison of the results from t count &gt; t table, namely 14.130 &gt; 2.045, it can be concluded that the use of e-LKPD based on Discovery Learning has an influence that is significant to the learning outcomes of students on the concept of life organizational systems.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>e-LKPD, Liveworksheets, Discovery Learning, Learning Outcomes, pre-experimental study</p> Elma Nurhaliza, Eni Titikusumawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:37:24 +0000 ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC CHARACTER EDUCATION VALUES IN PROMISE NOVEL BY TERE LIYE <p><em>The purpose of this research is to describe the values </em><em>of Islamic character education in the novel Janji by Tere Liye. Today's novels are not only entertaining literary works but also contain educational messages that are able to educate readers, in the midst of the rampant normalization of unethical behavior due to the influence of globalization which results in the loss of behavioral boundaries within a person. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and type of library research. The results of this study are that there are four values of Islamic character education, among others, 1)Human relations with Allah SWT. includes ten attitudes namely Monotheism, Piety', Love to Allah, Pray, Sincere, Kauf and Raja', Tawakal, </em><em>Gratitude, Muraqabah, and Repentance, 2)Human relations with oneself includes ten attitudes namely Istiqamah, Iffah, Shidiq, Mujahadah , Syaja'ah, Tawadu', Shame, Patience, Forgiveness, and Trustworthiness, 3)The relationship between human beings includes six attitudes namely Fairness, Empathy, Respect, Tolerance, Keeping Promises, and Solidarity,&nbsp; 4) Human relations with the environment are shown by the attitude Maintain cleanliness</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Analysis, </em><strong>Education, Novel, Islamic Character,Value.</strong></p> Endah Mustika Pertiwi, Muhammad Redha Anshari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:37:41 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF PARENTING PATTERN AND GENDER ON THE INDEPENDENCE OF CHILDREN GROUP A TKIT 1 QURROTA A'YUN <p>Child independence is the child's ability to carry out daily activities and tasks with a little guidance, according to the child's stage of development and ability. Independence is needed so that individuals can live life without depending on others in carrying out daily activities. Many factors can affect independence, one of which is parenting and gender. There were 15 children who were fussy when they were sent to school, did not want to be separated from their parents so that parents waited in front of the class or accompanied their children in class, children who did not want to join the teacher when explaining material, children tended to be alone or had fun playing alone, when learning takes place there are children who come out of the classroom and play outside.The purpose of this study was to analyze the significant influence of parenting and gender on the independence of group A TKIT 1 Qurrota A'yun children. Researchers used a quantitative approach that is ex post facto with multiple regression techniques. The population and sample in this study were group A TKIT 1 Qurrota A'yun, totaling 42 children. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observation and documentation. Then the data analysis used multiple linear regression tests. The results showed that the results of the ANOVA test performed obtained an F<sub>count</sub> of 3.803 &gt; F<sub>table</sub> of 3.23. Parenting patterns and gender have an effect of 16.3% on children's independence. While the remaining 83.7% is influenced by other factors.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>Keywords</strong>: child independence, parenting style, sex, parents, early childhood</p> Fadhila Audia Zahrah, Umi Rohmah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:37:51 +0000 THE ROLE OF DIGITAL LITERACY IN STRENGTHENING STUDENT RELIGIOUS MODERATION <p>The development of digital technology in the context of religious moderation has two highly contrasting aspects. On one hand, digital technology provides convenience and comfort for religious followers to deepen their understanding of their faith. However, on the other hand, the internet also serves as a channel for teachings that deviate from the values ​​of religious moderation, such as terrorism, radicalism, and intolerance. The increasing ease of access to the internet by students makes them highly susceptible to exposure to such deviant ideologies. Digital literacy becomes crucial in shielding students from distorted understandings. With good digital literacy, students can discern and select the information they obtain from the internet. plus, they also possess the ability to create and share works that support the strengthening of moderation through digital media. This research adopts a qualitative approach using the literature review method. Library research is conducted by collecting relevant literature from various sources, which is then analyzed and presented. The objective of this research is to describe the role of digital literacy in efforts to enhance religious moderation among students, as outlined through the eight essential elements of digital literacy proposed by Douglas Belshaw, namely cultural understanding, cognitive development, constructive, communicative skills, confidence, creativity, critical thinking, and engagement in civil society. Library research is conducted by collecting relevant literature from various sources, which is then analyzed and presented. The objective of this research is to describe the role of digital literacy in efforts to enhance religious moderation among students, as outlined through the eight essential elements of digital literacy proposed by Douglas Belshaw, namely cultural understanding, cognitive development, constructive, communicative skills, confidence, creativity, critical thinking, and engagement in civil society. Library research is conducted by collecting relevant literature from various sources, which is then analyzed and presented. The objective of this research is to describe the role of digital literacy in efforts to enhance religious moderation among students, as outlined through the eight essential elements of digital literacy proposed by Douglas Belshaw, namely cultural understanding, cognitive development, constructive, communicative skills, confidence, creativity, critical thinking, and engagement in civil society.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: digital technology, religious moderation, students, digital literacy, essential elements</p> Fattah Abdurrohman, Andalusia Ajeng Fitriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:38:05 +0000 ISLAMIC-BASED CHARACTER EDUCATION IN YASALMUNA KINDERGARTEN OF PALANGKARAYA <p>Providing a good example as an Islamic character in children is the starting point so that children have a good personality so that they can become pious children. The role and figure of an educator or teacher becomes the initial milestone in the development of Islamic character (<em>akhlaqul karimah</em>) in students. In the overall teaching of Islam, morals occupy a special and very important position. Moral teachings in Islam are adapted to human nature. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research related to how Islamic-based character education has been applied by educational institutions, especially early childhood education institutions. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach that aims to describe, reveal, explain and analyze real problems. The research was conducted at Yasalmuna Kindergarten of Palangkaraya in March 2023 and the research subject was the teacher of Yasalmuna Kindergarten of Palangkaraya. The results obtained were to instill Islamic character in early childhood, which is done over moral habituation and guidance. Instilling Islamic character in children is to have a good character to God, to fellow, and to the environment.</p> Husnul Khatimah, Aghnaita Aghnaita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:38:18 +0000 THE IMPORTANCE OF PRACTICING RELIGIOUS MODERATION FOR MILLENNIALS IN THEIR DAILY LIVES <p>The problem in this study is how important religious moderation is to be applied and what kind of positive influence it has by millennials today in their daily lives. Millennials, of course, must be introduced to religious moderation, because their role is very important to contribute to the nation and state. This study aimed at providing information and inviting millennials to practice religious moderation in their daily lives. The research method used is a qualitative method with a literature research approach. The data obtained were from various sources, such as journal articles and books. Based on the results of this study, it is found that 1) efforts that can be made by millennials in practicing religious moderation such as, participating in positive activities in the community, and to maintain inter-religious harmony, millennials must always have an attitude of tolerance and respect between religious communities; 2) if millennials apply religious moderation in their daily lives they have a tolerant attitude in this multicultural life.</p> Lutfia Maulida, Sulistyowati Sulistyowati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:38:29 +0000 REALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION THROUGH DIGITAL LITERACY WITH ENGLISH SKILLS <p><em>Indonesia's diversity is unique, but vulnerable to conflict. There is a widespread issue of divisive tolerance between religious communities so that the attitude of religious moderation is needed. Digitalization of information dissemination makes digital literacy and English language skills important to be ready to face disruption and realize religious moderation. Researchers used a mixed method with a sequential exploration design. Data collection techniques used interviews and questionnaires. Qualitative data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. While quantitative data analysis was carried out using the help of the SPSS version 26.0 program which consisted of classical assumption tests and hypothesis testing, namely simple linear regression analysis. This study aims to explore the effect of digital literacy skills with English on religious moderation. Based on the results of the study, challenges can be optimized in various ways such as providing training, creating educational content, collaborating between parties, being open to novelty. There is an effect of digital literacy with English on religious moderation of 0.536. The effect of digital literacy with English is 28% and 72% is influenced by other variables. Therefore, it needs massive attention and efforts in improving digital literacy with English to realize religious moderation.</em></p> Muhammmad Ghufron Ghiffari, Amirah Diniaty ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:38:42 +0000 THE EFFECT OF RANDOM TEXT STRATEGY ON ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION AT MAN 1 MAGETAN <p>This study aimed at examining the effect of the Random Text strategy through an <em>Invitational Letter</em> on the reading skills of eleventh grade students at MAN 1 Magetan. The research population was all eleventh grade students at MAN 1 Magetan in the academic year 2022/2023, and 45 students from two classes selected as the sample. The 11 MIPA-3 class served as the experimental class, while 11 IPS- 1 class was the control class. This study used a quantitative research method with quasi-experimental and a non-equivalent (pre-test and post-test) control group research design. Researchers conducted pre-tests and post-tests in both the experimental and control classes, and data were collected using tests. The <em>t test</em> formula and SPSS 26 version for Windows were used to analyze the data. The result shows that the use of the Random Text strategy had a significant effect on grade 11 students’ reading skills at MAN 1 Magetan, as proved by the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.002 &lt;0.05, which led to the rejection of H<sub>0</sub> and the acceptance of H<sub>a</sub>.</p> Ma'ruf Nur Fajri, Ahmad Nadhif ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:38:55 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF ANDROID-BASED LEARNING MEDIA EDUCATIONAL APPLICATION FOR QURBAN AND AQIQAH LEARNING MATERIAL IN GRADE 9 AT SMPN 5 PONOROGO <p>Technological developments actually have an influence on the world of education, for example in the learning process, which at this time should be accompanied by the use of technology such as using a more varied learning media. In learning practices that still seem monotonous, learning situations run passively and students only receive material. In this case, teachers should be able to take advantage of learning media. This research is a Research and Development study by carrying out several steps from the ADDIE research model, i.e. analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. This study aims to determine (1) the effectiveness of learning media educational application and (2) the effectiveness of learning media educational application. The results of the research are the results of the implementation of learning media and the effectiveness of learning media.&nbsp; (1) Learning media educational application products can be implemented with an average implementation of 95% learning media in the very good category. Apart from that, the responses of the students showed an average percentage of 93% in the very good category. (2) Learning media educational application products are effectively used as learning media with the results of the paired T Test in the field test obtaining a significance of 0.000 which is less than the significance level of 0.05 and the average N Gain result of 0.6891 which states that the effectiveness of learning media is categorized currently.</p> Mauridhatul Kasanah, Retno Widyaningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:39:08 +0000 TENTH-GRADE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ANXIETY DURING DIALOG PRACTICE AT MA MUHAMMADIYAH 2 YANGGONG <p>Speaking anxiety is a common problem in English language learning. Most students feel anxious when they have to participate in speaking activities, including dialog practice. This study aimed at analyzing the types of anxiety experienced by tenth-grade students at MA Muhammadiyah 2 Yanggong, factors that cause speaking anxiety, and the teacher’s strategies in overcoming students’ speaking anxiety during dialogue practice. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. Data were collected through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The subjects of this study were tenth-grade students and the English teacher at MA Muhammadiyah 2 Yanggong. Then, the data were analyzed by reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the type of anxiety experienced by students was state anxiety. Researchers found the biggest factors that cause students’ speaking anxiety during dialog practice i.e. limited vocabulary, fear of friends, and lack of motivation. Finally, researchers also found several strategies the English teacher used to overcome students’ speaking anxiety during dialog practice, including providing a warm learning environment, involving students in various learning activities, and using gadgets in learning.</p> Mayasari Silfia Maharsuci, Tintin Susilowati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:39:21 +0000 THE CONCEPT OF PANCASILA STUDENT PROFILE IN STRENGTHENING RELIGIOUS CHARACTER EDUCATION <p>The problem of the moral crisis that occurred in this modern era shows how important it is to strengthen religious character education which is starting to fade due to the influence of times. This study aims to find out how the concept of Pancasila student profiles is used in strengthening religious character education for students at the elementary school level. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study design. Sources of data in this study are books, articles, journals, theses and others. Data analysis techniques used include data reduction and data presentation to draw conclusions. This study shows that the current independent curriculum provides strengthening of character education to students through a Pancasila learning profile with six character concepts that are in line with religious values in the formation of a noble personality. Based on the results of this study, researchers suggest that the school can maximize its implementation efforts in providing strengthening of religious character education through various training and outreach provided by the government regarding the concept and application of the Pancasila student profile.</p> Mega Dwi Kaputri, Asmawati Asmawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:39:41 +0000 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION (CASE STUDY IN SALATIGA CITY) <p>This paper discusses contemporary issues in the context of religious moderation with a case study in Salatiga City. The aim of this research is to understand how people in Salatiga City cope with issues related to religion and how they adopt a moderate approach in their daily lives. The research method used is qualitative with interviews and observations conducted on respondents selected based on certain criteria. The results of the research indicate that the people of Salatiga have adopted a moderate approach to religion and are able to maintain diversity and tolerance in their lives. However, there are still challenges in addressing contemporary issues such as religious radicalism and extremism. Therefore, efforts are needed from relevant parties to increase understanding and awareness among the public about the importance of religious moderation as a solution to address these issues.</p> Miftah Chaerodin, Siti Asdiqoh ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:39:55 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONCEPT OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM AT CYBER CAMPUS SHEIKH NURJATI CIREBON <p>The implementation of the concept of religious moderation can be a means to strengthen an inclusive and welcoming campus identity, and help prepare students to face an increasingly globalized world. This concept can be integrated with local wisdom, which refers to local values and practices related to religion and culture. The purpose of this study is to strengthen the role of Islamic campuses in advancing peace and interfaith tolerance in Indonesia and around the world and to provide education for educational institutions in developing more effective strategies and programs to promote religious moderation and inclusiveness on Islamic campuses. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with data collection instruments in the form of questionnaires and data collection techniques carried out online via google form. The results showed that 96.7% of respondents believed that Pancasila is the ideology of the nation, 85.7% thought that Pancasila does not conflict with Islamic teachings, and 52.4% of respondents agreed that democracy is a political ideology in Indonesia.</p> Miftahudin Miftahudin, Ahmad Fuad Adzis, Syarifah Mudaimah, Saifudin Saifudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:04:40 +0000 ISLAMIC CHARACTER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT: AN EFFORT TO STRENGTHEN STUDENTS' CHARACTER EDUCATION IN THE ERA OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 <p>The purpose of character education management education is to improve the quality of educational processes and outcomes so that the formation of character and noble morals of students becomes whole, comprehensive, and balanced, standards with the competence of graduates of each educational unit. This study aims to provide an overview of the importance of character education management in shaping Islamic character. The involvement of teachers, parents, the community, and digital media must be balanced in supporting the strengthening of student character education. This research uses the library research method. The results of this study show that Islamic education management is a process in education management that includes planning, implementing, organizing, directing, and supervising. The purpose of education management is to achieve educational goals optimally. Furthermore, in character education, teachers play an important role in shaping Islamic character in students. Therefore, teachers must be able to take an approach that is adjusted to technological developments. This certainly requires collaboration between parents and the community. The involvement of various parties has in fact become a supporter of the success of strengthening Islamic character education. In strengthening Islamic character education, Islamic religious education is the basis for shaping Islamic character. So the optimization of Islamic religious education needs to be done as a form of strengthening character education.</p> Nurwinda Aulia Nasution, Syafri Fadillah Marpaung ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:04:51 +0000 RELEVANCE OF THE AT-TARBIYAH CONCEPT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION <p>Education is a learning process involving several instruments such as individuals, families, communities, and environments. In the national education system, the primary objective of education is to develop the maximum and equal human potential, as well as to help individuals in achieving living well-being. In the research written by the author this has the aim to study about the concept of At-Tarbiyah in Islamic education and the relevance of education in Contemporary Islamic Education. This research uses a qualitative method with a pronounced approach to the study of libraries. The results or findings of this research are that the concept of At-Tarbiyah is an educational concept with a system of teaching, development, construction and improvement of students from a basic level of understanding to a high level. Then the implication in contemporary Islamic education is that Islamic Education must be able to internalize with the progress of the times. Therefore, it is not to be forgotten that the Qur’an and Sunnah are the most important teachings of Islam.</p> Muhammad Dalhar, Ardhina Wijayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:05:03 +0000 INTEGRATION OF SCIENCE AND ISLAM IN IMPROVING SPIRITUAL ATTITUDES: IMPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING RELIGIOUS MODERATION <p>Religious Education in Indonesia is considered by people to be less effective. It is proven by the rampant violence among students, hedonistic lifestyles, and the practice of free sex. The above phenomenon reflects the low spiritual attitude among students. This study aims to reveal the strategy of implementing the learning model of integrating science and Islam in improving spiritual attitudes. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of field research at MA Al-Islam Jamsaren Integrated Boarding School Surakarta. Data collection includes documentation, observation, and interviews. Then, the data analysis techniques are reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The result of this study is that the implementation strategy of the integrated learning model of science and Islam can improve the spiritual attitudes of students. Indicators of improvement impact on students' advancement: a) diligence in worship, b) believing in the occurrence of doomsday, qada' and qadar, and c) avoiding bad behavior. The realization of the strategy is carried out through the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation. The conclusions of this study support the theory of the combined integration model and the Bayani and Burhani integration model. The implications of the research could shape religious moderation attitudes for millennials.</p> Muhammad Luthfi Dharmawan, Imron Rossidy, Marno Marno ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:05:16 +0000 STRENGTHENING OF 4C COMPETENCIES IN FACING THE CHALLENGES OF GLOBALIZATION ON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>The era of globalization is a challenge that must be faced in this era, especially the development of technology and communication that has developed very rapidly. This study used qualitative research methods. The design used is library research. The result of this study shows that educational policy in the current information age prepares students to face three life tasks: to be able to live, to develop a meaningful life, and to appreciate life. Education has an important role in equipping students to face the challenges of globalization, especially elementary school students. At this time, students must also begin to form strong characters through character education. Schools can equip students with 21<sup>st</sup> century learning called 4C skills, i.e. communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. In developing 4C competencies, the teacher has a role in the learning process because through it can measure student achievement. In addition, culture-based education will also shape students who are superior, have the ability to adapt, and are ready to face the challenges of education in the era of disruption. Therefore, this study will discuss ways that teachers can apply in learning to practice 4C skills in students.</p> Ina Rotul Aini, Rizal Bilhakiki, Syafi Natun Najah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:05:26 +0000 COVID-19: EMERGENCY RECOVERY OF POST-PANDEMIC RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN KOTAWARINGIN LAMA SUB-DISTRICT <p>This study was conducted to analyze religious moderation that occurred in the post-COVID-19 period. The downturn that occurred during COVID-19 made people's mentality and wisdom sharpened in responding to the condition. Habits for 2-3 years such as worshiping at home, listening to lectures from home, avoiding crowds, eliminating religious activities carried out online. This condition is a problem for the emergence of efforts to address the new normal as it is today. This study used qualitative research methods through observation and interviews. With several provisions such as age and competency background, the target of this research is the community in Kotawaringin Lama Sub-district from various circles. This study took place for 10 days, from April 19, 2023 to April 29, 2023. Based on the results of the interviews, it can be concluded that there is a new atmosphere in the post-COVID-19 period that needs more getting used to, there are more or less unfamiliar feelings, the emergence of new challenges in carrying out worship, and there is something missing in every moment. Post-COVID-19 became a moment to increase a moderate attitude in religion. All activities carried out after COVID-19 with protocols according to government recommendations. Freedom in religious activities after COVID-19 is different before COVID-19 because it is protocol-free. This is a recovery effort that must be addressed with moderation.</p> Kusrini Oktaviani, Hesty Widiastuty ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:05:38 +0000 LITERATURE STUDY: E-MODULE DEVELOPMENT IN PHYSICS LEARNING <p>Consideration of learning media for excellent educational quality has become a concern in the 21st century. Learning media that include a combination of technology and learning strategies are becoming a trend to create e-modules that can be applied to physics learning to achieve effectiveness and efficiency. Literature study aims at analyzing perceptions about the feasibility of developing e-modules in learning physics. The systematic review method used begins with identification with several scientific articles related to the e-module development for physics learning, then proceeds to the screening process and the eligibility process to get inclusion. According to media expert assessment, the highest percentage identified by the learning strategy was Ethno Physics-based e-module (91.67%) and the highest percentage identified by the technology used was Sigil Software-based e-module (87.30%). Learning materials expert assessment, dynamics of rotation is in the top score with a full percentage. Student response as an external factor in the validity of the e-module is classified as feasible in learning physics.</p> Kartika Sari, Nadia Azizah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:05:48 +0000 COMMUNITY-BASED RELIGIOUS MODERATION TO PREVENT RADICALISM: THE CONTRIBUTION OF PENGAJIAN MUSLIMIN-MUSLIMAT BULULAWANG MALANG DISTRICT <p>Indonesia, which is famous for its religion, ethnicity, culture and language, of course, in everyday life it cannot be separated from various kinds of differences about something that exists. With these differences, it is not surprising that there are those who disagree and oppose, such as the emergence of radicalism as a form of opposition to state sovereignty. This article was prepared with the aim of giving an overview to the general publication about the importance of religious moderation and the contribution of Muslim and Muslimat studies in preventing extremism and radicalism. The research method used is a case study with a descriptive analysis approach. This type of research is qualitative by searching for data sources through observation, interviews and documentation studies. As for the results of this study, routine Muslim-Muslimat Bululawang activities are carried out once a week and attended by all residents, which in this study became a forum for conveying the importance of religious moderation. and the contribution of the Muslimin-Muslimat Bululawang recitation activities has had an influence in internalizing the values of religious moderation, especially for preventing extremism and radicalism in society where most of the people present can meet each other, pray together fullytolerance and a high sense of kinship.and can live life tolerantly, peacefully without any disputes.</p> Muhammad Umar Sidiq, Siti Annijat Maimunah, Benny Afwadzi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:06:00 +0000 ISLAMIC CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS THROUGH COACHING AND HABITUATION PROGRAM AT MA’HAD AL JAMI’AH STATE ISLAMIC INSTITUTE OF PALANGKA RAYA <p>Islamic character is a trait or attitude that appears from habituation carried out by someone whose the result of habituation that is carried out continuously in accordance with Islamic values which are based on the Quran and hadith. This study used a qualitative descriptive method and a field research approach. The data obtained are in the form of interviews and observations conducted to managers and students at Ma’had Al Jami’ah State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Palangka Raya. The result shows that the existence of programs at Ma’had Al Jami’ah IAIN Palangka Raya is able to help realize the vision and mission of Ma’had Al Jami’ah IAIN Palangka Raya, which is to produce a generation that is charismatic and in accordance with the times.</p> Muhimatul A'liyah, Muzakki Muzakki ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:06:13 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF LABORATORY DISCOVERY LEARNING METHOD IN PAI LEARNING AT SMP 1 SUNAN GIRI WAGIR MALANG <p>Educational advance is a thing that should happen along with the changing times. In fact, after being explored, PAI learning faces several obstacles, such as the use of methods that could be more suitable. Therefore, it affects students understanding which has implications for low learning outcomes. Thus, this research focuses on implementing the laboratory discovery learning method in PAI subjects at SMP Sunan Giri Wagir, Malang. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the laboratory discovery learning method on the subject of Glorifying Allah SWT by Obeying His Commandments. The method used in this research is a quantitative experimental method. There are 32 students in class VII A SMP Sunan Giri Wagir Malang as objects. The data were then analyzed using SPSS 26 software. The conclusion is laboratory discovery learning method is effective. The reasons are the results of the paired sample t-test; it is known that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted because of the value of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 &lt;0.05, so it can be said that there is a difference between the pre-test and post-test of students.</p> Nafa Nabilah, Faridatun Nikmah, Muhammad Walid ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:06:25 +0000 PROJECT P5: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PROJECT IN REDUCE THE IMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMING THROUGH ISLAMIC CHARACTER BUILDING ACTIVITIES (ICB) <p class="TableParagraph" style="text-align: justify; margin: 7.45pt 5.55pt .0001pt 0cm;"><span lang="IN" style="font-family: 'Book Antiqua',serif;">Global Warming or can be said as the greenhouse effect is a condition where the average temperature of the earth's surface is rising. This is caused by the trapping of sunlight in the earth's atmosphere by greenhouse gases. The excess of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and methane that envelopes the earth's atmosphere is the main cause of global warming. This global warming can cause climate change which has a broad impact on human life on earth. This study aims to analyze how the environmental friendly project in the P5 project can contribute to reducing the impact of global warming through Islamic character building activities. The method used in this study is a literature study. In this study it can be concluded that the P5 project in the independent curriculum can be carried out through ICB activities so as to create Pancasila students who are characterized, civilized, and have good morals. in place, community service cleaning dirty places, saving energy, using public transportation modes, and creating a technological innovation that can reduce the impact of global warming.</span></p> Nanda Pradana Aji Pangestu, Tutik Sri Wahyuni ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:06:39 +0000 REINFORCEMENT OF CRITICAL READING IN MAHARAH QIRO'AH CLASS FOR PBA STUDENTS UIN MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM <p>Reading is a need of every individual. By reading critically, people are expected to be able to reach the stage of criticizing a text and ascertaining the truth. However, many students need more critical reading skills. This study discusses using critical reading with a critical reading strategies approach to Arabic texts in Maharah Qiroah’s learning. The research method used is qualitative research with action research design. Thus, the paper uses four steps such as cyclical, open-ended, systematic, and exploratory. The research was conducted on active students majoring in Arabic Language Education at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim. This research aims to increase students’ reading interest to the stage of criticizing. The strategies include pre-reading, context reading, question and answer, new idea generation, making outlines, and identifying ideas. Thus, the stages are proven to be the reason for the student’s critical abilities advancement with indicators of understanding text forms and functions and constructing new texts according to his needs.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Critical reading strategies, Arabic Text, Maharah Qiro’ah</p> Naura Nadhifah, Alfiatus Syarofah, Zulfa Rohmatus Sa’adah, Adelia Nurul Fajri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:11:46 +0000 EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE ERA OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0: PREPARING QUALITY AND COMPETITIVE GRADUATES IN THE 21ST CENTURY <p>In the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. The balance between knowledge and skills is needed as a foundation for qualified human resources in the dynamics of the era. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing effective learning models and what factors must be considered so that universities in Indonesia today can produce competitive graduates in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 who are equipped with 21st century abilities such as effective communication, teamwork, critical thinking, able to solve problems, able to find and develop their skills to face the demands and challenges of the 21st century. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the information gathering process involving literature review as the research method. Education is focused on developing learners' talents through activities that influence the learning process by providing motivation, guidance, direction and encouragement to learners. Education should be multicompetency-based and flexible, with high sensitivity and willingness to make adjustments according to the demands of the industrial world, companies, and the world of work. In addition to using a revised learning model for the modern era, education also requires cohesive coordination from all its constituent parts.</p> <p><strong>Keyword: </strong>Transformative Education, Industrial Revolution, 21st Century Skills</p> Nazila Khoerunnisa, Ikhsan Nur Illahi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:11:59 +0000 THE ROLE OF FKUB IN "SAPA PELAJAR" ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN PEKALONGAN <p>Indonesia is a country that has high diversity. Many differences ranging from ethnicity, race, religion, and so forth. That diversity can backfire if it is not accompanied by moderation. Religious moderation is a form of moderation towards the diversity of religions in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to instill an attitude of moderation from an early age in students in the hope that students will have a moderate attitude so that divisions due to differences can be minimized. This study aims to explain the role of the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) in increasing the attitude of religious moderation in the city of Pekalongan. This study uses a qualitative approach. The research subjects were the head of the FKUB in Pekalongan, members of the FKUB, and religious leaders in Pekalongan. Data collection used interviews and was taken from journals, books and articles related to the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) in increasing the attitude of religious moderation in Pekalongan. Based on the literature research method that has been carried out by researchers, this study found that the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) played a role in increasing the attitude of religious moderation among students in Pekalongan. This can be seen from the various activities or work programs carried out by FKUB such as the Sapa Pelajar activity at several schools in Pekalongan.</p> <p>FKUB, Moderation, Tolerance, Student</p> Nur Afina Laelatun Ni’mah, Fadhly Muhammad Faza, Khairun Nisa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:12:10 +0000 RELIGIOUS MODERATION EDUCATION BASED ON THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE QURAN AND HADITH <p>This article aims to find out how religious moderation education is based on the perspective of the Quran and hadith. This study used a qualitative method with a literature study design, and analyzed the data using content analysis techniques. The study found seven points of religious moderation education based on the perspective of the Quran and hadith, namely (1) religious moderation in the nation and state, (2) religious moderation as a symbol of justice and peace, (3) mid-form religious moderation (not excessive in religion), (4) religious moderation means a balanced lifestyle, (5) religious moderation in attitude, (6) religious moderation in morality, (7) religious moderation as a guardian of the balance of natural phenomena.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Education</em>,<em> Religious Moderation</em>, <em>Perspective</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nur Rahmadani Muthaharoh, Nurul Hikmah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:08:20 +0000 INTERNALIZATION OF ISLAMIC CHARACTER VALUES THROUGH ANIMATION SERIES IN MILLENNIAL GENERATION <p>The digital era has made everything in life sophisticated and instantaneous. However, in addition to its sophistication, there are many negative impacts that cause the character of the younger generation to degenerate and develop moral decadence. Therefore, it is necessary to instill or internalize Islamic character values to the millennial generation. The research method used in the preparation of this scientific paper is a literature study which requires a review of literature such as books, journals related to the issues to be discussed. Internalization of character values in the millennial generation must be done early. Given that if done in adolescence and adulthood it is very difficult to instill again. Therefore, it is necessary to instill at an early age by utilizing digital media such as animated series that have been widely aired. Internalization of character values through animated series can be done optimally with the contribution of various parties such as families, teachers and animators.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Islamic Character, Animation Series, Millennial Generation</p> Nurul Ma’wa, Ali Muhtarom ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:09:06 +0000 CULTIVATION OF LEADERSHIP VALUES AND RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE MUHAMMADIYAH STUDENT ASSOCIATION SMK MUHAMMADIYAH BLIGO <p>The promotion of religious moderation has been one of the government's efforts to maintain harmony among religious communities in Indonesia. At the senior high school level, the Muhammadiyah Student Association (Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah or IPM) acts as an intra-school student organization (OSIS). As an organization based on Islamic values and affiliated with Muhammadiyah, IPM strives to spread moderate Islamic values. This research uses a qualitative approach through a field case study, with data collection techniques linked to theory. The research aims to describe the implementation of leadership and religious moderation values in the IPM organization at SMK Muhammadiyah Bligo. Leadership and religious moderation values are instilled in IPM's working programs, with leadership values drawn from the qualities of the Prophet Muhammad, <em>including shiddiq, amanah, tabligh, and fathanah</em>, while religious moderation values encompass <em>tawassuth, tawazun, I'tidal, tasamuh, syura, islah, aulawiyah, tathawwur wa ibtikar, and tahaddhur.</em> The research findings indicate that instilling leadership and religious moderation values has a positive impact on students' self-identity. Therefore, it is recommended that leadership and religious moderation values be continually implemented in IPM programs and other activities at SMK Muhammdiyah Bligo Pekalongan to enhance the quality of education and develop students with better character.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah, Leadership, Religious Moderation</p> Ahmad Burhanuddin, Nurus Syarifah, Amma Chorida Adila ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:09:23 +0000 STUDENT PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE CHARACTERISTICS OF AN IDEAL ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHER (STUDY OF PAI UINSU MEDAN) <p>This study aims to analyze student perceptions about the characteristics of an ideal Islamic religious education teacher. The focus of the study in this study is student perceptions of the characteristics of an ideal PAI teacher and student perceptions of the suitability of learning carried out by Islamic education study programs in forming the characteristics of an ideal PAI teacher. The research method used is qualitative based on descriptive studies. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study explain according to student perceptions regarding the characteristics of an ideal PAI teacher, at least the PAI teacher must have characteristics such as broad insight, communicative abilities, have morals, be a role model. Of the four characteristics are actually related to one another. To achieve all of this, the learning carried out by the PAI study program is actually appropriate to form the characteristics of an ideal PAI teacher. This can be seen from the learning activities carried out by the lecturers and also the courses taught by the PAI study program which are suitable for shaping the character of the students so that they have the characteristics of an ideal PAI teacher.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Characteristics, teacher, ideal</p> Abdul Aji Ibrahim Lubis, Mahariah Mahariah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:09:39 +0000 INTERNALIZATION OF WAHDATUL' ULUM VALUES IN ARABIC LANGUAGE LEARNING <p>Internalization of wahdatul'ulum values is needed in the midst of various advances in the field of science that increasingly imitate the style of outside civilization that is more easily summed up in the words of freedom. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze how students change in learning after understanding the internalization of wahdatululum values that are included in learning. This research uses literature research method, which is searching for data, collecting data and analyzing data. The results of this study indicate that there are several ways to internalize the value of wahdatululum values in Arabic language learning, in order to foster belief and awareness that all knowledge is basically a unity that comes from Allah SWT. through his revelation either directly or indirectly. This research discusses the internalization of wahdatululum values in Arabic language learning. Arabic Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan UIN North Sumatra. The problems studied are how to internalize the values of wahdatul'ulum in Arabic language learning and what are the values of wahdatululum that are instilled in Arabic language learning.</p> <p><strong>Keyword</strong><strong>s: </strong>Internalization, Wahdatul Ulum, Values, Arabic Language Learning</p> Suci Kirani Adhistia, Salamuddin Salamuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:09:58 +0000 APPLICATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN REALIZING THE PERSONALITY OF EARLY CHILDREN 4-6 YEARS <p>This study aims to find out how the application of character education in realizing the personality of an early childhood aged 4-6 years. The method of this research is literature review or literature study which contains theories that are relevant to problems in research taken by researchers, the results of this study are that the application of character education in realizing the personality of early childhood aged 4-6 years uses various strategies including playing methods, habituation, examples, advice, attention and supervision. The importance of character education from an early age is also explained by Muslich. By quoting Freud's statement, he explained that quality character needs to be formed and nurtured from an early age. Early age is a critical period for the formation of one's character. Failure to cultivate a good personality at an early age will form a problematic personality in adulthood. While the benefits of research are for readers, teachers and parents to pay more attention to their children with the methods described in this scientific paper in realizing a child's personality. , so that children are formed into individuals who have good morals, and success in implementing early childhood character education will also have an impact on their daily lives such as patience, awareness, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, independence, caring, commitment and respect for rights and obligations.. teachers and parents to pay more attention to their children with the methods described in this scientific paper in realizing a child's personality. , so that children are formed into individuals who have good morals, and success in implementing early childhood character education will also have an impact on their daily lives such as patience, awareness, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, independence, caring, commitment and respect for rights and obligations.. teachers and parents to pay more attention to their children with the methods described in this scientific paper in realizing a child's personality. , so that children are formed into individuals who have good morals, and success in implementing early childhood character education will also have an impact on their daily lives such as patience, awareness, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, independence, caring, commitment and respect for rights and obligations..</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em>Character Education, Personality, Early Childhood</em></p> Alya Zahro Azhari, Ahmad Syukri Sitorus ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:10:12 +0000 THE EFFECT OF USING ANDROID-BASED MATHEMATICS DICTIONARY MEDIA TOWARD STUDENTS LEARNING OUTCOMES <p>During learning, math teachers focus on teaching the use of existing formulas without explaining the meaning of each symbol and term in mathematical formulas. In addition, teachers still rarely use learning media which impacts students' low math learning outcomes. Therefore, researchers developed an android-based math language dictionary media to know the effect of using this learning media. With a quantitative approach, researchers used quasi-experiment research with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The population used included all XII grade students of MAN Batu Bara as many as 247 students with a sample of 34 from class XII IPA 3 which was selected by a random group. From the analyzed data, the study's results using the t-test showed a significance value (Sig 2-tailed) of 0.00 &lt; α = 0.05, which means that there is a difference in learning outcomes between before and after using the mathematics language dictionary media. Thus, it can be concluded that there is an effect of using Android-based math language dictionary media on student learning outcomes.</p> Adel Syah Pohan, Tanti Jumaisyaroh Siregar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:10:26 +0000 THE ROLE OF TEACHERS IN INCREASING DIGITAL LITERACY AMONG STUDENTS <p>The rapid development of digital technology is not accompanied by adequate digital literacy, including among students. Whereas interaction with digital technology that is increasingly intensive at this time requires good digital literacy. This problem is very necessary to be addressed immediately, teachers who have the responsibility to prepare students to bring the country to a better direction. On that basis, this study aims to analyze the role of teachers in improving students' digital literacy. The literature review is used in this research as a method, data collection is carried out including reviewing scientific articles and content on web pages, then data analysis is carried out by making a summary of the articles that have been reviewed with content analysis techniques The results showed that teachers have a number of roles that are very influential in improving students' digital literacy. These roles include: 1) utilizing ICT in learning activities; 2) providing knowledge about digital safety, either directly during learning, or through special training; 3) providing feedback to students when they experience difficulties in using technology; and 4) developing students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills.</p> Rayhan Meldi Sentana, Sermal Sermal, Suci Ramadhanti Febriani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:10:47 +0000 RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE OBI COMMUNITY <p>Religious moderation is one of the policies pursued by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia to become a means of peace for Indonesian people who have a diversity of ethnicities, cultures and religions.&nbsp; This study aims to find out how the Obi people understand religious moderation and how it is implemented in the Obi community.&nbsp; This research uses descriptive qualitative research that is explaining the phenomena that occur descriptively, this research collects data using observation and interviews, the informants of this research are the Obi people.&nbsp; From the results of this study it can be concluded that the Obi people are not very familiar with the term religious moderation, but they are more familiar with tolerance between religious communities.</p> Rifadlin Amin Dg.M, Irawati Bahri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:11:02 +0000 STUDENTS AS NATION PIONEERS TOWARDS GOLDEN INDONESIA 2045 <p>This research is based on students will be pioneers of change towards golden Indonesia.&nbsp; Indonesia gold 2045 is a future that will only happen in the next 30 years.&nbsp; This article aims to (1) Determining prospects of the contribution of the young generation; (2) Realizing Step in the vision of golden Indonesia 2045 to Generations Y and Z;&nbsp; (3) Increasing self awareness as a young generation especially students; (4) Determining concept of character education based IESQ and that is a must in the implementation of the nation's progress.&nbsp; This research used&nbsp; quantitative method, the population are students at State Islamic University of Imam Bonjol Padang and the sample are students in English Department on 22 people.&nbsp; The result showed (1) Education is needed so that students have broad intellectual and insight that helps in the thought process to find solutions to various problems; (2) Students should know vision indonesian golden 2045; (3) Students should create self awareness about they contribution in the next future; (4) Students should speed and accuracy of the cognitive activity in understanding, solve various problems, challenges, and tasks.<strong>character, education, golden 2045, knowledge, students</strong></p> Sherina Septa Dila, Sermal Sermal, Suci Ramadhanti Febriani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:11:19 +0000 INTERNALIZATION OF STUDENT COURTESY CHARACTER THROUGH JAVANESE LEARNING AT SDIT AL-BANNA PACITAN <p>The character of good manners is important to instill considering that in the current era the younger generation is increasingly out of control, both in behavior and social interactions. So, it is better to instill this character if it is given to elementary school students as a strong foundation of polite character to face the challenges of the times. This polite character can be instilled through education in schools, one of which is through learning Javanese.</p> <p>This study aims to (1) describe the internalization of learning Javanese to shape the polite character of students at SDIT Al-Banna Pacitan, (2) describe the factors that influence the internalization of learning Javanese to shape the polite character of students at SDIT Al-Banna Pacitan, ( 3) describe the relevance of learning Javanese to the character of politeness of students at SDIT Al-Banna Pacitan. This research was designed using qualitative research methods with a case study type. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation.</p> <p>The results of the data analysis found that (1) the internalization of Javanese learning had implemented the stages of internalization but there were still some students who did not have good manners. (2) the factors that affect the internalization of Javanese language learning include family environment, living environment, the assumption that Javanese is difficult to understand, student disability, and the influence of technology. (3) the relevance between learning Javanese and the polite character of students is very close. This is proven by the presence of 10 indicators of courtesy, SDIT Al-Banna students are able to fulfill 8 indicators of courtesy.</p> Suyatni Suyatni, Farida Yufarlina Rosita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:11:31 +0000 THE APPLICATION OF REWARD AND PUNISHMENT IN EDUCATION FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL AT “SAHARA EDUCATION” <p class="Abstrakabstractcontent" style="line-height: normal;"><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of rewards and punishments during education on Saharan-educated students. A descriptive observational approach was used in this study. Since Sahara's education is private, the research location was set up in the dormitory itself. This study showed that the use of rewards and punishments, when done correctly and appropriately, impacts levels of discipline and student motivation. In learning, teachers use reward and punishment methods to encourage greater obedience and discipline in student learning. The role of the teacher has a great influence on the influence of the students. Rewards can come from instilling good values </span><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">​​</span><span lang="EN-US">that come from habituation and appreciation for positivity. However, if the child does something negative, the teacher will punish the student accordingly. The purpose of punishment is to keep the child from repeating the prohibited act. Teachers warn students not to repeat the same behavior. Teachers reward students by giving prizes for their positive behavior. The purpose of this award is to empower children to become more active in their pursuit of better learning and success. Teachers punish students for violations and mistakes. Punishment makes students regret their mistakes. Based on this research, suggestions can be made for teachers to become more creative and innovative, and to create new forms of rewards and punishments that can be further developed. Students are expected to be disciplined and to study diligently, regardless of reward or punishment.</span></p> Lingga Sahara Ritonga, Ernita Daulay, Yani Lubis ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:11:44 +0000 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM BASED ON LEARNING THEORY <p>Freedom to learn is one of the ways carried out by the government in order to improve the quality of Indonesian higher education. Teachers and students free their minds with this learning program. This article aims to enable educators to find out what types of learning theory are suitable for use when carrying out the learning process using an independent curriculum. This study uses library research methods or library research with a qualitative approach. In obtaining this research data using data sources from books, journals, documents, writings, and other sources related to the title of the article. Based on this research, of the four types of learning theory in learning, the researchers produced that constructivism learning theory is suitable to be applied if using an independent curriculum. because, constructivism theory emphasizes the activeness and freedom of students in the learning process. This is in line with the concept of independent learning. With an independent learning design, it is hoped that the learning process can take place anywhere, both inside and outside the classroom.</p> Mayang Serungke, Rina Devianty, Tri Indah Kusumawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:11:56 +0000 SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDE AND CRITICAL THINKING <p class="Abstrakabstractcontent"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Book Antiqua',serif;">This study was conducted to determine whether or not there is a relationship between the scientific attitude variable in biology learning and the student's critical thinking ability variable. The research was conducted by distributing research instruments made in questionnaires using google form, the data obtained were validated and reliability determination was then carried out again with correlation and linear regression tests to determine whether or not there was a relationship, significant or not, strong or not, research method it is quantitative. From the research conducted, based on the results of the study, it is known that there is a strong and significant relationship between the two variables.</span></p> Putri Apriani Pasaribu, Indayana Febriani Tanjung, Adi Hartono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:12:14 +0000 THE EDUCATION LEVEL OF FISHERMEN'S CHILDREN ON JALAN YOUNG PANAH HIJAU LABUHAN DELI <p>Education is a basic need that must be owned by every human being as a provision to deal with various problems that occur, especially in economic terms. This study aims to determine the level of education of children from parents who work as fishermen and the factors causing the low education of fishermen's children. The location of this research is on Jalan Arrow Hijau Kelurahan Labuhan Deli, especially in neighborhood VIII Kelurahan Labuhan Deli. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach using the case study method. While the source of the data obtained was from 11 family informants who worked as fishermen. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis in this study uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Data validation techniques in this study use triangulation of sources and techniques. The results showed that the education level of fishermen's children in Jalan Arrow Hijau in Ward VIII of Labuhan Deli Village was still relatively low. There are factors that cause the low level of education of fishermen's children, including self-willed factors, economic factors, parental factors, environmental factors and also motivational factors from parents.</p> Winda Sapitri, Syarbaini Saleh, Silvia Tabah Hati, Tarmiji Siregar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:12:29 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING MULTIMEDIA BASED ON ARTICULATE STORYLINE 3 MATERIALS OF MAGNETICITY AND ITS UTILIZATION IN TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS <p>Science and information technology developing so rapidly in every sectors of life including education sector. Now, information technology transform to developing the interactive learning multimedia that’s qualify, attractive, and effective to increase the student’s study outcomes. This developing interactive learning multimedia is based on Articulate Storyline 3 in Magnetism and Utilization in Technology Product material. This research aim to describe the making of interactive learning multimedia, knowing the qualification, attractiveness, and it’s effectiveness to increase the student’s study outcomes. The research method uses is RnD (Research and Develompment) with design using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evalution). The data collection was carried out in qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data are collected by interview and observation about needed analysis. The quantitative data are collected by expert validations, readability test using student questionnaires, and student’s study outcomes. The result showed that the interactive learning multimedia base on Articulate Storyline 3 in Magnetism and Utilization in Technology Product material is qualify, attractive, and effective to increase student’s study outcomes.</p> Yolanda Mery Saputri, M. Luqman Hakim Abbas ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:12:43 +0000 EFFECTIVENESS OF ELECTRONIC STUDENT WORK SHEET (e-LKPD) USING LIVEWORKSHEETS BASED ON DISCOVERY LEARNING ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEM CONCEPTS OF LIFE ON LEARNING OUTCOMES OF CLASS VII STUDENTS <p><span class="s13">The use of conventional and general teaching materials is one of the causes of low student learning outcomes. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of using Electronic Student Worksheets (e-LKPD) with </span><span class="s13">Liveworksheets</span><span class="s13"> based on Discovery Learning the concept of life organization systems on learning outcomes for class VII students at </span><span class="s13">MTsN</span><span class="s13"> 9 </span><span class="s13">Boyolali</span><span class="s13">. This research is a pre-experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design, with one experimental class. The sample of this research was class VII A students of </span><span class="s13">MTsN</span><span class="s13"> 9 </span><span class="s13">Boyolali</span><span class="s13"> who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the use of e-LKPD with </span><span class="s13">Liveworksheets</span><span class="s13"> based on Discovery Learning the concept of an effective life organization system on student learning outcomes as evidenced by the results of data analysis, namely the normality test obtained a value of Sig. &gt; The value of α is 0.200 &gt; 0.05, and the homogeneity test results obtained Sig. Based on Mean &gt; the value of α is 0.056 &gt; 0.05 and the results of the t-test obtained the value of Sig. &lt; 0.05, which is 0.000 with the standard deviation value obtained, which is 29, then the t-count is 14.130, while the t-table value is 2.045. Comparison of the results from t count &gt; t table, namely 14.130 &gt; 2.045, it can be concluded that the use of e-LKPD based on Discovery Learning has an influence that is significant to the learning outcomes of students on the concept of life organizational systems.</span></p> Elma Nurhaliza, Eni Titikusumawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:39:34 +0000 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DICTATION TECHNIQUE IN IMPROVING EFL LEARNERS’ WRITING SKILL: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW <p class="Abstrakabstractcontent" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Book Antiqua',serif;">This systematic review investigates the effectiveness of dictation techniques in the EFL classroom in improving EFL learners' writing ability. Then, this study aims to identify the kinds of dictation techniques commonly used in EFL teaching and learning environments to improve learners' writing proficiency. Furthermore, twenty articles were previewed in this article. This research is a qualitative systematic review that benefices meta- aggregation techniques. In addition, this study found that the most used dictation technique types are dictogloss. Then, the higher education level utilizes dictation techniques more often in comparison with the lower education level. Thus, the dictation technique can aid EFL classroom teaching and learning process in improving the learners' writing skills when it is implemented in appropriate and suitable teaching and learning environment. Lastly, this article provided suggestions for teachers, students, and future researchers concerning the importance of implementing dictation techniques in improving EFL learners' writing ability. </span></p> Shofia Kamal, Abdul Basith ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:45:06 +0000 PROFESSIONS PUPPET BOARD AS INDONESIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING MEDIA TO DEVELOP STUDENTS' SPEAKING ABILITY <p>This study aims to develop a learning media called "Profession Puppet Board" to improve students' speaking skills in the Indonesian language. Through performance analysis, students were identified as needing more varied learning resources and improved speaking skills. The material analysis focused on thematic learning about professions, and the media used consisted of plywood boards and puppets made of flannel fabric. The method of this study is RnD (research and development) method with the ADDIE model. The research sample consisted of 19 fourth-grade students from MI Roudlotul Ulum. The data collection techniques included questionnaires, observations, and documentation. The media product was validated and met the criteria for material expert, media design expert, and learning expert. The validation results showed that the material expert validator scored 90, the media design expert validator scored 90, and the learning validator scored 96. The resulting media includes easily accessible and user-friendly components that received a positive response from students with a rating of 87,3%. The use of the "Profession Puppet Board" in the speaking learning process was found to increase student engagement, provide visual and tactile aids, and create a supportive environment for students to practice their speaking skills.</p> Putri Nur Faizah, Kulsum Ulfa, Maryam Faizah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 02 Aug 2023 09:25:42 +0000 EFFECTIVENESS OF KITAB KUNING BASED LEARNING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF QUR'AN HADITH MATERIAL FOR PAI STUDY PROGRAM STUDENTS <p>This paper aims to measure how effective the kitab kuning is in learning the Qur'an Hadith Development course. The research targets are the Islamic Religious Education students at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The research method uses a quantitative approach and field research using the Google Forms platform to take student responses as research objects. The data findings were then processed using a Likert scale calculation using SPSS and Microsoft Excel to analyze and reduce the findings using descriptive analysis. The results from the data show that 61.54% strongly agree, 34.62% agree, and 3.85% do not agree with kitab kuning-based learning. Field findings related to university academic system data and validator interviews show a positive response. Then, at the end of the final exam, it shows that 98% of students get 90-95 points, then learning the Qur'an Hadith using the kitab kuning has high effectiveness.</p> Balya Ziaulhaq Achmadin, Abdul Fattah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 META ANALYSIS: THE EFFECT OF IMPLEMENTING TEACHING MATERIALS INTEGRATED WITH ISLAMIC VALUES IN SCIENCE TO DEVELOP STUDENTS' CHARACTER <p>This research is a type of meta-analysis research that aims to determine how much influence the implementation of teaching materials integrated with Islamic values in the field of science to develop character in learning. The research method carried out is a meta-analysis consisting of the stages of problem formulation, data collection (research), data coding, data analysis and interpretation. The population and samples used as research material are scientific articles that have been published nationally, in 2013-2022. Based on the research conducted, the effect size value of 1.04 was obtained and the interpretation of the effect size value of the effect of the implementation of teaching materials integrated with Islamic values in the field of science with the dependent variable, namely character development, was 84%, so that the research conducted was classified in the high category. This means that teaching materials integrated with Islamic values in the field of science have a high influence on increasing the effectiveness of student character development in learning, especially at all levels of education.</p> Khofifah Khofifah, Hadma Yuliani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:33:13 +0000 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE “BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR E-MODULE” AS AN AUTONOMOUS LEARNING MEDIA TOWARD STUDENTS’ ENGLISH GRAMMAR COURSE ACHIEVEMENTS <p>autonomous learning media in Basic English Grammar courses for English Education Department (<em>Tadris Bahasa Inggris</em>) students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Using a quantitative pre-experimental approach with a one-group pre-test post-test design, the sample of the study consisted of 30 students. The research instrument was validated through construct and content validities by expert judgment, item validation, and reliability. The data analysis techniques are descriptive and inferential analysis which were taken from the mean values, normality test, and&nbsp;<em>Paired Sample T-Test</em>&nbsp;of the data. The results indicate that the use of learning media has proven to be effective. It is proven that the mean of the post-test result is higher than the pre-test, which is 78.38. Moreover, the&nbsp;<em>Paired Sample T-Test</em>&nbsp;results significantly show 0.000, which was ≤ 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that using Basic English Grammar E-Module learning media in Basic English Grammar courses effectively improves the grammar learning outcomes of English Education Department students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malik Malang.</p> Istifadah Istifadah, Ima Mutholliatil Badriyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 INCLUSION-BASED ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LEARNING (CASE STUDY OF SMPN 2 SATU ATAP JAMBON PONOROGO) <p>Every student has the right to receive an education regardless of the background they experience, the establishment of the educational institution SMPN 2 Satu Atap Jambon Ponorogo is a form of education with the application of inclusive-based learning, this is due to the large number of students with special needs and the conditions of the community environment. With the inclusion system, students can gain knowledge together with other regular participants in the same room. One of them is in studying Islamic Religious Education material. The purpose of this research is to describe the learning of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education at Satu Atap Public Middle School 2 Jambon Ponorogo, to describe the process of taking place Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education, supporting and inhibiting factors for the ongoing learning of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education and the positive impact of the implementation of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education in SMPN 2 Satu Atap Jambon Ponorogo. This research approach qualitative method, a type of case study regarding inclusion-based learning of Islamic Religious Education at SMPN 2 Satu Atap Jambon Ponorogo. The research data was collected using observation, interviews, and documentation. As well as data analysis techniques using interactive Miles, Huberman, and Saldana techniques in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Inclusion-based begins with the teacher's task, compiling learning tools according to the abilities of students. the learning process of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education at SMPN 2 Satu Atap Jambon Ponorogo is carried out by inclusive learning guidelines with regular class and pull-out education models. In the learning process of Islamic Religious Education teachers modify learning according to the needs of students, supporting and inhibiting factors of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education learning. Supporting factors: the enthusiasm of the teaching staff, the patience of the teachers in teaching, the existence of spiritual activities, the existence of school spirit in students, the existence of a decree from the education office, the existence of cooperation with the health service, and the presence of special accompanying teachers. Two inhibiting factors: lack of school location, lack of development funds, lack of infrastructure, and lack of teacher training in dealing with children companion teachers, Positive impact: students gain the right to education, increase teacher insight, make it easier for the community to continue their education to a higher level, and be able to interact with friends regardless of physical disability.</p> Zainatul Mufaridah, Moh Miftachul Choiri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:41:18 +0000 ACTUALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUES IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION TO INCREASE TOLERANCE IN LEARNING <p>Cultural diversity is a natural event because the cultural meeting itself brings cultural behavior and has different lifestyles. The diversity of Indonesian culture is diverse, namely ethnicity, language, culture, religion and social status, so implementing religious moderation is very relevant and a necessity in maintaining unity and oneness amidst the existing diversity. So this article will solve how the actualization of religious moderation values ​​can be applied in educational institutions by teachers in the learning process for students to increase tolerance values. This article uses a type of library research and the approach used is a qualitative approach. The purpose of this study is to describe how the actualization of religious moderation values ​​can be applied in educational institutions by teachers in the learning process for students to increase tolerance values. The results of this study indicate that there are four values ​​of religious moderation that are the focus of providing understanding to students in the learning process, namely the value of tolerance (tasamuh), the value of justice (I'tidal), the value of balance (tawauzzun), and the value of equality.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Actualization, Moderate Religious Values, Tolerance</p> Usup Kurniawan, Hesty Widiastuty ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:47:58 +0000 ACTUALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUES IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION TO INCREASE TOLERANCE IN LEARNING <p>Cultural diversity is a natural event because the cultural meeting itself brings cultural behavior and has different lifestyles. The diversity of Indonesian culture is diverse, namely ethnicity, language, culture, religion and social status, so implementing religious moderation is very relevant and a necessity in maintaining unity and oneness amidst the existing diversity. So this article will solve how the actualization of religious moderation values ​​can be applied in educational institutions by teachers in the learning process for students to increase tolerance values. This article uses a type of library research and the approach used is a qualitative approach. The purpose of this study is to describe how the actualization of religious moderation values ​​can be applied in educational institutions by teachers in the learning process for students to increase tolerance values. The results of this study indicate that there are four values ​​of religious moderation that are the focus of providing understanding to students in the learning process, namely the value of tolerance (tasamuh), the value of justice (I'tidal), the value of balance (tawauzzun), and the value of equality.</p> Usup Kurniawan, Hesty Widiastuty ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:01:29 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF MASSIVE ONLINE OPEN COURSE (MOOC) THROUGH PINTAR IN IMPROVING TEACHER COMPETENCE <p>Improving teacher competence is an integral part of the quality of education. To fulfill this commitment, the Ministry of Religious Affairs innovated by launching PINTAR, a platform that provides Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) based training. This study aims to examine the implementation of PINTAR to improve teacher competence through MOOC-based training. This study is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection is done through interviews, observation, and documentation. Research subjects were selected by purposive sampling method. The collected data is then validated using data triangulation techniques. The findings of this study indicate that the implementation of PINTAR as a MOOC-based teachers’ training provider is an innovation that aims to fulfill teachers' training rights, improve teacher pedagogic and professional competence, maintain teacher productivity, and create efficiency in teacher training.</p> Ahmad Zarkasy, Chusnul Chotimah, Lila Mahzuna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:01:47 +0000 "MUWAKIB" ARABIC LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGY THROUGH INTERACTIVE POWER POINT MEDIA <p>The researcher found that there are still schools that have not implemented power point media to assist the teaching and learning process. So that does not rule out the possibility of problems with learning outcomes that are less than optimal for students because teachers have not fully taught using technological media in an interactive and fun way. The method used in this research is R&amp;D (Research and Development) which will produce a product and test the product that has been produced. Then the development model refers to ADDIE. To test the effectiveness of the product, the researchers conducted it at MTs VII YAPENSA Jenggot Pekalongan. So the purpose of this study was to discuss the use of interactive learning media "MUWAKIB" based on power point in learning Arabic for class VII students at MTs YAPENSA Jenggot. The research results obtained in the field test aspect, the learning outcomes of students learning Arabic without using media using interactive power point-based muwakib learning media have significant differences. At a significant level of 0.05 in the t table at number 49 the value is 1,676 while the resulting t value shows a value of -15,318. The average value of students without learning media is 39.2 while using interactive power point-based media is 98.8. So it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of students in the learning process using interactive power point-based muwakib learning media are better and more effective.</p> Muhammad Muslih, Syafiq Yagdhon Alfani, M. Iqrom Lutfi, Shinta Fatmasari, Ana Chonitsa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:02:03 +0000 TEACHERS’ QUESTIONING STRATEGIES DURING THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM INTERACTION AT SMAN 2 PONOROGO <p>This study analyzed the teachers’ questioning strategies during the English classroom interaction at SMAN 2 Ponorogo. The importance of this research aimed to find out the types of questions and the questioning strategies, and describe the reasons of the teachers in using their questioning strategies. This research applied a qualitative study that focused on descriptive analysis. It used observation and interview to collect the data. The result showed that there were 79 of types of question included managerial, rhetorical, closed, and open question used by the English teachers. Besides, there were 207 of types of questioning strategies such as reinforcement, probing, adjust/refocus, simply repeated, rephrased, wait-time, and Bahasa. The last, the reason of the teachers used questioning strategies during the English classroom interaction was to check the students’ comprehension and then guide the students to be more deeply in understanding the material.</p> Nur Sa’adah, Tintin Susilowati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 دراسة تحليلية عن الإعلال فى سورة الزمر وإستفاداتها فى تعليم الصرف <p>الإِعلال هو تغيير في حرف العلة بقلبه أو تحريكه أو التخلص منه. حقيقة الإعلال تغيير الذي يطرأ على حروف العلة القصد منه التخفيف فهو يؤدى فى أغلب صوره تيسير النطق,المثل فى قَامَ اصله قَوَمَ, بَاعَ أصله بَيَعَ. وامّا اسبابه للثقل أو لتعذر النطق أو للضرورة.فى كل انواع الإعلال قواعدها, فلأنّ قواعدها أن نفهم أصل الكلمة. الحادثة التي وجدتها الباحثة في العصر الحالي، لا يزال الطلاب محيرون في فهم ودراسة محتويات آيات من القرآن والأحاديث والكتب العربية ودراسة الكتاب التراث ، وخاصة لطلاب السلفية. أحد العوامل المسببة, هو صعوبة عن معرفة تكوين أصل الكلمات الموجودة، مما يجعل من الصعب العثور على معنى المفردات في القاموس.وتختار الباحثة دراسة تحليلية فى سورة الزمر. الأول, ايات فى سورة الزمر توجد أنواع الإعلال الواردة الخاص الإعلال بالقلب وبالحذف وبالتسكين أوالنقل. الثانى, ترجو الباحثة أن هذه دراسة صرفية فى سورة الزمر سوف تساعد المدرسين على إكشاف الرسائل القرأنية ولزيادة فهم الطلاب عنها الخاص أن تساعد لمعرفة معنى الكلمة.&nbsp;</p> <p>يهدف هذا البحث لمعرفة (1) لمعرفة أصناف الإعلال بالقلب وبالحذف وبالتسكين (٢)لمعرفة إستفادات الإعلال بقلبه وتسكينه وحذفه فى تعليم الصرف.</p> <p>للحصول النتيجة المقصودة, استخدمت الباحثة نوع البحث المكتبى, ومدخل فى هذا البحث هو المدخل الكيفي, ومصادر البيانات فى هذا البحث هو الكتب والمقالات العلمية فى فنّ علم الصرف وجميع ما تتعلق بموضوع البحث. وتستعمل الباحثة بتحليل المحتوى يعني تحليل البيانات بمحتوى الكتاب لأحد النتيجة عن أسلوب اللغة وميل محتوى الكتاب وتنظيم الكتابة و التوضيح بالرسوم .</p> <p>وأما النتيجة لهذا البحث العلمى هي الإعلال بالقلب فى سورة الزمر تحتوي على ثلاثة أصناف وهي (1)الإعلال بقلب الواو والياء همزة هي أربع أيات. (2) الإعلال بقلب الواو والياء ألفا هي سبعة وعشرون أية. (3)الإعلال بقلب الواو ياء هي ستّ أيات.واما الإعلال بالتسكين فى سورة الزمر تحتوي على صنفين,&nbsp; وهي الإعلال بتسكين حرف الواو في سورة الزمر هي سبع وعشرون أية.والإعلال بتسكين حرف الياء فى سورة الزمر هي ثلاث وعشرون أية. واما الإعلال بالحذف فى سورة الزمر تحتوي على ثلاثة أصناف , وهي كما يلي:الإعلال بحذف حرف الواو هي خمس أيات. الإعلال بحذف حرف الياء هي أربع أيات. الإعلال بحذف حرف الهمزة هي أربع أيات. وفي هذا البحث تستعمل الباحثة من أحد طرق العليم، وهي الطريقة القياسية.</p> Mu'tamiroh Mu'tamiroh, Moh Munir ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:02:34 +0000