• Fitri Eliya
  • Putri Robiatul Ladawiyah
  • Alfiah Alfiah
Keywords: Social deviation; homosexuality; islamic physicology


The term social deviation or more commonly referred to as deviation of behavior is a pattern of behavior that for many people this social deviation is a bad deed and exceeds the limits of the norms of propriety that can be tolerated by humans. Sexual orientation between men or gay sex is an example of behavioral deviations that clearly violate the norms of propriety in society and certainly do not conform to the teachings of any religion. exual relations between men or gay sex is an example of behavioral deviations that clearly violate the norms of propriety in society and certainly do not conform to the teachings of any religion.  Studied in the view of Islam this perversion of sexual desire is clearly opposed to the creation of man by Allah SWT who must be in accordance with his codrad. The writing method used in studying maslah in the writing of this article is "library reseuarch" or literature research. The result of this study, namely deviant behavior in the form of male relationships with the same or homosexual is as a form of opposition to the human codrad that has been created by Allah SWT. Man must have high achievement in terms of the control of his passions is a way to train himself to have a high codrad that begins with the formation of noble morals. The attempt to be able to merubag akhlaq is to conquer anger, greed, and lust "shahwat". It is also an effort and a struggle of patience to build a habit. The despicable nature according to Imam Al Ghazali is a form of bathniah that if the despicable nature is erased then the praiseworthy nature will replace it.
