International Virtual Conference on Islamic Guidance and Counseling <p><img src="/public/site/images/adminiciegc/COVER_IGIEGC_copy1.jpg" width="146" height="206">ICIEGC: prosiding yang berisi kajian mengenai bimbingan dan konseling pendidikan islam yang terbit setiap tahun. Prosiding ini menjadi media untuk publikasi ilmiah hasil penelitian ataupun gagasan ilmiah yang dapat menjadi rujukan berskala regional, nasional, maupun internasional.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling Pendidikan Islam IAIN Salatiga en-US International Virtual Conference on Islamic Guidance and Counseling 2827-9581 PERSPEKTIF INKLUSI SOSIAL GURU BK DI KOTA BANJARMASIN KALIMANTAN SELATAN (KAJIAN AWAL TENTANG BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING BERPERSPEKTIF INKLUSIVITAS SOSIAL) <p>Guidance and Counseling (Bimbingan dan Konseling or BK) in education should be oriented to the needs of the counselee, yet the biased perspective of counselor. BK teachers must have an emic concept leading to social inclusion perspectives and multicultural competence. This study aims to describe the perspective of the social inclusion of BK teachers in Banjarmasin. The research subjects were 62 BK teachers. The data was obtained through an online questionnaire. The results showed that discourse of social inclusiveness was still rare, in fact almost 80% of the subjects were unsocialized. The subject knowledge is limited to theoretical and normative aspects. Subjects believe that the principle of inclusion must be applied to minorities, however almost all subjects stand up to the majority group. Individuals are considered to conform to the norms and to the authorities. BK teachers in Banjarmasin are still dominated by an exclusive perspective viewing women, children and minority groups. This comes from a belief system and biased values ​​that come from aspects of religion and socialization obtained from and values ​​and culture in society. This shows that there are still inconsistencies between knowledge and perspective, between values ​​and attitudes, between theory and practice.</p> Helma Nuraini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 1 15 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.375 PERAN BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING ISLAM DALAM MENINGKATKAN MORALITAS REMAJA <p>Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood characterized by unstable nature and difficulty controlling emotions. Because of this, many problems that arise in society come from teenagers. The reason is because there are only a few teenagers who have and understand how ethics and morals in socializing in the community. So that many case studies and researches are found on how low the morals of teenagers today. So, this is where the role of Islamic counseling guidance becomes one that is very important as a good means of providing direction and sharing about the problems that are being experienced by teenagers. The purpose of Islamic guidance and counseling in improving adolescent morals is to optimize development, namely development in accordance with the potential and value system about a good and right life. The method used in this research is library research or literature review by exploring sources about negative behaviors that arise from adolescents and how to improve adolescent morals through Islamic guidance and counseling, sourced from books, articles, and other scientific works. Islamic counseling guidance has a very influential role in improving the morals of adolescents in getting along with the surrounding environment based on Islamic teachings.</p> Dewi Alia Putri Suci Habibah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 16 29 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.394 IMPLEMENTASI BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING ISLAM DALAM PEMBINAAN PERILAKU SISWA DIKEHIDUPAN SEHARI-HARI <p>Islamic guidance and counseling is a process of providing directed, continuous and systematic assistance to each individual with the aim that the individual can develop the ability of religious nature that he already has optimally according to the values contained in the Qur'an and Hadith. Forms of guidance that exist in the field of Islamic religion include activities from Islamic preaching. Directed da'wah can provide guidance, especially to Muslims, so that they can truly achieve and carry out the balance of life fid dunya wal akhirah. The Qur'an and Hadith are sources of knowledge (mashdarul ilmi) which provide many restrictions on how to behave in social life, so that humans can pass life in the world and the hereafter happily, along with the human cultural context they carry. The ushul rule as one of the guidelines for understanding the Qur'an and Al Hadith states "Taghoyyurul ahkam bi taghoyyuril amkan wal azminah" changes in the form of law can be made when there are changes in terms of place and time. In the reality that we often see many efforts made by someone in shaping good morals or behavior. The presence of educational institutions in the framework of moral development will strengthen the opinion that morals can be fostered and trained. Likewise, the teachings of Islam provide moral guidance to humans through the words of Allah contained in the Qur'an and Hadith.</p> Uswatun Hasanah Suci Habibah Fitra Herlinda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 30 43 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.401 STUDI KOMPARASI KESEJAHTERAAN PSIKOLOGIS MAHASISWA PENGGUNA DAN NON-PENGGUNA LAYANAN KONSELING SEBAYA LABORATORIUM BK UNNES <p>Students mental health conditions are related to psychological well-being. Peer counseling services at the Guidance and Counseling Laboratory Universitas Negeri Semarang (BK UNNES) can be used to support and improve students psychological well-being. The purpose of this study was to compare the psychological well-being of students who have and have never used peer counseling services at the BK UNNES laboratory. This study uses a descriptive method with a comparative design. The researcher used a sample of 16 UNNES students who were users of peer counseling services and 15 UNNES students who were non-users of peer counseling services. Students fill out research instruments adopted from Ryff's Well Being Scale. The data analysis technique used the Mann-Whitney U formula. Based on the analysis of the research results obtained a significance value of 0.737 &gt; 0.05. This means that there is no significant difference between the level of psychological well-being of students using and non-users of peer counseling services at the BK UNNES Laboratory.</p> Nilna Aula Niswah Siti Wahyu Nur Cahaya Ningsih Eni Rindi Antika ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 44 52 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.381 SELF-MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS TO REDUCE PROCRASTINATION BEHAVIOR <p>Many studies have focused on interventions to reduce procrastination behavior. However, no one has taken advantage of the sophistication of technology. This study aims to strengthen the effect of the intervention on reducing procrastination behavior in the long term by using the application. The method used is a literature review on research articles on counseling services with various techniques to reduce procrastination behavior in the last 10 years. Some of the important things discussed were the implementation of self-management techniques into an application, concepts and ways of working, as well as analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the application.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Anggun Karomah Indri Yani Abdul Kholiq ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 53 60 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.383 EFEKTIVITAS LAYANAN KONSELING INDIVIDU DALAM MENGHADAPI ANAK BROKEN HOME <p>This study aims to explore more about the effectiveness of individual counseling services in dealing with broken home children. This study uses a type of qualitative research with a thematic analysis approach based on the six-step thematic analysis from Braun and Clarke (2006). The research participants were three BK teachers and three students who experienced a broken home and had received individual counseling services from BK teachers. The results of the study found that there was a change in behavior between before and after attending individual counseling services. Before attending counseling, there were various problems experienced by children as a result of a broken home, such as difficulty controlling emotions, insecurity and loss of self-confidence, loss of interest in learning to difficulty socializing with their environment. The changes in behavior after attending individual counseling services are that there are better changes in behavior, such as: more confident, motivated in learning.</p> Nurussakinah Daulay Nuraini Nuraini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 61 71 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.403 PENGALAMAN SISWA TENTANG PENDIDIKAN SEKS SELAMA MASA PANDEMI SERTA PERAN GURU BIMBINGAN KONSELING <p>This research aimed at knowing 1) students' experiences of sex education during the pandemic, 2) the role of guidance and counseling teachers in providing sex education to students during the pandemic, 3) supporting and obstructing factors the successful implementing counseling services regarding to sex education at State Senior High School 10 Pekanbaru.&nbsp; It was a descriptive qualitative.&nbsp; The main informants of this research were 4 guidance and counseling teachers and 10 students.&nbsp; The object of this research was the role of guidance and counseling teachers in providing sex education to students during the pandemic period.&nbsp; Interview and documentation techniques were used for collecting the data.&nbsp; Data analysis using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The findings of this research showed that students got experiences about sex education from online media.&nbsp; The Information obtained by students related to reproductive organs, sexual orientation, sexual deviation, and sexual crimes.&nbsp; Students stated that they needed guidance from the guidance and counseling teachers in understanding sex education.&nbsp; On the other hand, guidance and counseling teachers did not play active roles in providing sex education to students during the pandemic, this is due to limited time.&nbsp; The supporting factors in implementing sex education services were that the experience of guidance and counseling teachers, collaboration with various parties, facilities and infrastructure, and interesting material.&nbsp; The obstructing factors in implementing sex education services were that the educational background of guidance and counseling teachers, the pandemic and limited time, the lack of students interest to consult, the students’ personality and desire to change and the use of media, the views on sex education that was taboo and also the use of proper grammar.&nbsp; The findings of this research were suggested that special attention was needed from guidance and counseling teachers and parents in guiding students to understand sex education.</p> Ruri Anita Lessy Amirah Diniaty ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 72 80 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.380 UPAYA GURU BIMBINGAN KONSELING ISLAM DALAM MENINGKATKAN RASA PERCAYA DIRI REMAJA <p>The purpose of this research is to find out what factors can affect self-confidence, the efforts of BK teachers in increasing self-confidence, and the results of BK teachers in increasing students' self-confidence, namely (1) Students' self-confidence can enhanced by providing opportunities for individuals to try something, giving praise and hope, not being ridiculed and laughed at, giving individual trust, and the role of the family in the development process.&nbsp; (2) the efforts of Islamic counseling guidance carried out by the counselor through several steps, namely problem identification, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, evaluation and follow-up (3) with changes in the client's behavior, where these symptoms cause the client's lack of confidence to decrease after treatment with Islamic counseling guidance.</p> Ego Andrian Suhertina Suhertina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 81 88 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.399 PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA LAYANAN BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING MELALUI APLIKASI HALLO BK <p>Guidance and Counseling services based on information technology are needed, especially in the age of industrial revolution 4.0. Innovation in Guidance and Counseling services is an essential thing that must be done in helping counselees achieve their developmental tasks. To achieve optimal development, counselees certainly need various roles from the school, including guidance and counseling (BK) teachers. In guidance and counseling services, researchers make service innovations called Hallo BK applications. This application contains menú-menu that have been adjusted to the duties and functions of the BK teacher, as well as various Guidance and Counseling services that uphold the principles of Guidance and Counseling. The research method used is a qualitative method by measuring the level of satisfaction of counselees and reviews from various fields such as the school management team, subject teachers, Guidance and Counseling teachers, parents of students, and students. Based on the results of the study, data on the level of satisfaction of students were obtained, namely for class XII the level of satisfaction of BK services reached 97.2%, class XI students reached 95.7%, and for class X students the level of satisfaction reached 98.4%. So it is concluded that the Hallo BK application is very effective and most users are satisfied with the services provided.</p> Listiya Dewi Yuniar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 89 97 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.386 PERILAKU ALTRUISME GURU BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING SE-KARAWANG DI MASA PANDEMI <p>Not only the health sector is experiencing problems because of this corona virus, but other fields such as education are also experiencing an unfavorable impact. On the other hand, guidance and counseling teachers as practitioners in schools have a very important role in character education of students. community problems during the pandemic that they have a sense of wanting to help. However, they are hampered by their own abilities and also lack confidence in providing assistance. The problems that arise during this pandemic are expected to describe the behavior of altruism. The research method used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The population used in this study were guidance and counseling teachers throughout Karawang. The types of instruments used are interviews and observations as well as supporting instruments to measure the level of altruism of guidance and counseling teachers using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Thematic analysis was conducted on 75 participants of guidance and counseling teachers on duty in the Karawang area, resulting in 62 subjects in the high category, 13 subjects in the medium category and 0 subjects in the low category.</p> Fauzi Nur Ilahi Asni Asni Siti Hajar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 98 105 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.367 WORK MOTIVATION PADA GURU BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING SMK JAKARTA TIMUR BERDASARKAN GENDER <p>Many people want to be professional guidance and counseling teachers, the reasons are for survival, relationships with other people and other goals. However, becoming a guidance and counseling teacher in the 4.0 industrial revolution era is now a challenge. Therefore there is a need for <em>work motivation</em> in the guidance and counseling teacher. In this study, researchers aimed to analyze and describe <em>work motivation</em> on teacher guidance and counseling based on gender. The method in this study uses descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. Participants in this study were vocational guidance and counseling teachers in East Jakarta. Thematic analysis was conducted on 31 participants of vocational guidance and counseling teachers in East Jakarta to produce 20 female guidance and counseling participants and 3 male counseling and counseling teachers in the high category, 5 female guidance and counseling participants and 3 male guidance and counseling teachers were at medium category and 0 male and female guidance and counseling teacher participants in the low category.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Fauzi Nur Ilahi Rahmiwati Marsinun ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 106 113 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.368 PERANAN PEMANGKU KEPENTINGAN DALAM MENDUKUNG PENINGKATAN KINERJA GURU BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING : LITERATUR REVIEW <p>This study aims to make a thorough discussion of the role of stakeholders in supporting the improvement of the performance of guidance and counseling teachers or counselors which in previous research studies only discussed the role of small elements. The research method used in this study is a literature review or literature study by collecting information from various sources and references in accordance with the theme of the discussion in this study. The results obtained from this study can be concluded that it turns out that in order to improve the performance of guidance and counseling teachers, the role of stakeholders is needed as a whole. If all elements of the school and stakeholders work together to understand their main duties and functions, it will improve the performance of guidance and counseling teachers or counselors, this will be directly proportional to the increase in guidance and counseling services and will also have a positive impact on increasing or optimizing the service program provided. will have an impact on students or students.</p> Irchamna Chamalia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 114 124 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.372 EFEKTIVITAS LAYANAN KONSELING ISLAM DENGAN TEKNIK SELF-MANAGEMENT UNTUK MENGURANGI KECEMASAN KARIER SISWA SMK <p>The purposes of this study were: 1) to determine the level of career anxiety of students after being given Islamic counseling services with self-management techniques. 2) to determine the effectiveness of Islamic counseling services with self-management techniques to reduce student career anxiety. This type of research is quantitative using an experimental design, namely pre-experimental design, one group pre-test and post-test. The sampling in this study was carried out by purposive sampling. Sources of data in this study is to use a questionnaire and documentation on the subject. The subjects used in this study were students of class XI SMK Dharma Lestari Salatiga with a population of 36 and a sample of 5 students with high anxiety levels. The results of this study indicate that the use of Islamic counseling services with self-management techniques is effective in reducing students' career anxiety. This can be seen from the results after being given the original service in the high category with an interval of 124-152 with an achievement rate of 100% to be reduced in the low category with an interval of 38-66 with an achievement rate of 100% the total score is 657 with an average of 60. While the score a minimum of 53 and a maximum score of 65. In addition, it is also proven by the results of the paired sample test obtained a significance value (2-Tailed) for the pretest and posttest, namely 0.000 &lt;0.05, then H0: rejected and Ha: accepted. With this, after providing Islamic counseling services with self-management techniques, it is able to reduce the level of career anxiety. As well as Islamic counseling services with effective self-management techniques to reduce career anxiety.</p> Dina Fatma Septiani Muhamad Rozikan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 125 134 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.387 Model Layanan Informasi Karir <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui model yang digunakan dalam layanan informasi karir; 2) Untuk mengetahui model layanan informasi karir yang paling sering digunakan pada rentang tahun 2014-2020; 3) Untuk mengetahui kelemahan model layanan informasi karir yang paling sering digunakan pada rentang tahun 2014-2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah <em>Systematic Literature Review</em>. Artikel jurnal yang ditelaah didapatkan dari dan . Dari 120 temuan artikel jurnal penelitian ini mendapati 20 artikel jurnal yang relevan dengan Model Layanan Informasi Karir. 20 artikel jurnal tersebut menghasilkan berbagai model yang kemudian dikategorikan menjadi 4 bagian yakni Model Layanan Informasi Karir berbasis; 1) Media; 2) <em>Website</em>; 3) Pengalaman <em>(Experience) </em>dan Ajaran Agama Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model layanan informasi karir yang paling sering digunakan pada rentang tahun 2014-2020 adalah Model Layanan Informasi Karir berbasis Media (Vidio, Film, Animasi, Komik Digital, Komik, Tangga Masa Depan, Papan Bimbingan, dan <em>Live Modeling</em>)</p> Ahmad Fitra Rasyadi Muslihati Muslihati Diniy Hidayatur Rahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 135 150 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.366 EFEKTIVITAS KONSELING KELOMPOK RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEPERCAYAAN DIRI SISWA DI MAN BARITO UTARA <p>Self-confidence is very supportive of the learning process at school. The emergence of self-confidence in students can make their potential develop optimally. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy group counseling to increase student confidence in MAN Barito Utara. The methodology of this research quantitative experimental approach with pre-experimental designs type one group pretest-posttest. The research sample consisted of 5 students of class XI MIPA 3 at MAN Barito Utara which were taken using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study used a group counseling Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy guide, self-confidence scale, observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the calculation of the average self-confidence score before participating in group counseling services, namely 95.5 low category with a percentage of 59.4% after participating in group counseling services using the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) approach increased to 105.4 medium category with a percentage 65.4%. Students get an improvement in self-confidence scale scores and an increase in the category from low to medium category. The results of the Paried T-Test test show that the sign (2-tailed) is 0.007 &lt; 0.05, Ha is accepted. As a result, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy group counseling is effective in increasing students' self-confidence in MAN Barito Utara.</p> Nur Hikmah Hartati Hidayat Ma’ruf Nurul Rahmi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 151 163 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.376 EKSISTENSIAL HUMANISTIK DALAM PERSPEKTIF BIMBINGAN KONSELING ISLAM <p>Artikel telah dihapus karena alasan copyright</p> Dupe Latu Sukma Ayu R. Deceu Berlian Purnama Fitri Eliya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 164 174 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.392 EVALUASI TINGKAT EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM LAYANAN BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING DI JENJANG SMP/MTs-SMA/SMK/MA DI ERA PANDEMI VIRUS COVID-19 <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the level of effectiveness of the guidance and counseling service program in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire with effectiveness indicators from Cambel J.P. The technique for obtaining data uses an online survey method assisted by the MGBK (Guidance and Counseling Teacher Consultation) for SMP/MTs/SMA/MA/SMK. The survey results are analyzed using simple statistics by calculating the percentage of respondents' answers then converted into categories of effectiveness levels. The results of data processing can be concluded that the average level of effectiveness of guidance and counseling program services in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic varies. The very optimal level of effectiveness has only reached 0.004%, the optimal level of effectiveness is 0.15%, the optimal level is 0.425%, the non-optimal level is 0.420% and the very non-optimal level is 0.002%.</p> Sutirna Sutirna Intisari Intisari Budoyo Budoyo Prihadi T.H ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 175 192 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.361 LITERATURE REVIEW: GROUP GUIDANCE SELF-MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE AS AN ALTERNATIVE INTERVENTION FOR STUDENT SELF-CONTROL <p>Student’s self-control is one of the problems that often occurs in completing assignments, so techniques are needed to overcome these self-control problems. The purpose of this article is to explain group guidance self-management techniques as an alternative intervention for student self-control. The method used in this research is library research. The research implementation process is as follows: 1) topic selection; 2) exploration of information; 3) determining the focus of the research; 4) collection of data sources; 5) preparation of data presentation; and 6) preparation of the report (Mirzaqon &amp; Purwoko, 2018). The study in this research is related to self-management strategies through group guidance for student’s self-control so that students are able to manage time well.</p> Yunitasari Yunitasari Abi Fa'izzarahman Prabawa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 193 203 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.408 WANITA TOMBOY: BAGAIMANA PANDANGAN ISLAM, PERSPEKTIF GENDERNYA? <p>In essence, a woman's fitrah is to have a meek nature. However, nowadays many women resemble men or are often also called tomboys. One of the causes of tomboyish behavior is like the poor education taught by his parents. A person's behavior will be influenced by the habits that exist in his environment. Unconsciously, the environment will help educate the child's good and bad qualities. Thus, the role of parents is very important so that the child does not fall into these damned traits. Narrated from Ibn Abbas radhiallahu'anhu, he said, "The Messenger of Allah shalallahu'alaihi wa salam circumcised the men who resembled the women and the women who resembled the men" (HR Bukhari). In the environment I saw, there was a woman whose style was worthy of a man.' Sometimes in the community environment, it is a little disturbed because of the presence of tomboyish women around their environment. Tomboy comes from English. Seca... Abstract: In essence, a woman's fitrah is to have a meek nature. However, nowadays many women resemble men or are often also called tomboys. One of the causes of tomboyish behavior is like the poor education taught by his parents. A person's behavior will be influenced by the habits that exist in his environment. Unconsciously, the environment will help educate the child's good and bad qualities. Thus, the role of parents is very important so that the child does not fall into these damned traits. Narrated from Ibn Abbas radhiallahu'anhu, he said, "The Messenger of Allah shalallahu'alaihi wa salam circumcised the men who resembled the women and the women who resembled the men" (HR Bukhari). In the environment I saw, there was a woman whose style was worthy of a man.' Sometimes in the community environment, it is a little disturbed because of the presence of tomboyish women around their environment. Tomboy comes from English. Linguistically, it means the nature of women that is synonymous with activities that are usually associated with male roles. Feminine it is a trait within the self that accentuates the gentle side of womanhood. Why tomboyish women (have the nature of maleness) look cool, while feminine men (have female traits) are labeled negatively. This shows that after all gender construction in society not only harms women, but also harms men. This is because not all men can conform to the values of masculinity constructed by society. How the human condition is created is essentially the best form according to Allah Almighty. If the Creator says so, then we as beings are truly unsavory to label ourselves as rudimentary and worthy of being changed.</p> Yunita Efendi Alfiah Alfiah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 204 214 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.393 EFEKTIVITAS KONSELING KELOMPOK DENGAN TEKNIK POSITIVE REINFORCMENT UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MENGEMUKAKAN PENDAPAT SISWA DI SMAN 2 MURUNG KABUPATEN MURUNG RAYA <p>The communication between the teachers and the students in the class is essential to achieving a successful purpose in learning. Students are intended to have opinion sharing skill so that there is balance communication between the teachers and the students in teaching-learning activity. The purpose of this study is to found out the effectiveness of group counseling by <em>the positive-reinforcement</em> technique to improve students’ opinion sharing skils in SMAN 2 Murung, Murung Raya regency. The method of this study is Experiment quantitative with type <em>pre-experiment design one group pretest-posttest. </em>The subject of this study is a group of students of six people from eleventh grade of Science-Math and Twelfth grade of Social science in SMAN 2 Murung, Murung Raya regency was taken by <em>sampling porposive</em> technique. The data in this study are collected using the ability to sharing opinion, observation, interview and documentation. The result of this study found out that group counseling by <em>the positive-reinforcement</em> technique is significant to improve students’ opinion sharing skill in SMAN 2 Murung, Murung Raya regency, this is indicated from the test result of <em>paired T test</em> that got Sig. (p) 0.004 &lt; 0.05 scores. In conclusion, the <em>possitive-reinforcement</em> technique is effective for enhancing students’ opinion sharing skill in SMAN 2 Murung, Murung Raya regency.</p> Rahmi Nur Safitri Mufida Istati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 215 227 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.374 URGENSI BKI DALAM PENGUATAN EKSISTENSI MAHASISWA <p>This research was conducted to determine the urgency of the role of BKI in Strengthening Student Existence. It is very clear that Islamic guidance and counseling is a process of guidance and counseling aimed at peace, tranquility of human life in this world and the hereafter. The achievement of a sense of peace (sakinah) is achieved through efforts to draw closer to Allah SWT for His protection. Therefore, it can be said that Islamic guidance and counseling contains material aspects and spiritual dimensions. Islamic counseling guidance aims to help individuals understand themselves as people who are developing their skills and have advantages (Lena, 2019). The existence of Islamic counseling guidance remains the primary choice of the people as well as clients in solving life problems in the new media era. Islamic counseling guidance has in common to use activities related to its activities that help help Muslim individuals, realize their existence as religious beings who are obliged to maintain the values ​​of trusted beliefs. The main step is to make the Qur'an &amp; as-Sunnah the origin of moral strength for the application of guidance and counseling activities.</p> Anggi Farasagita Putri Hasgimianti Hasgimianti R. Deceu Berlian Purnama ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 228 239 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.395 EFEKTIVITAS TEKNIK SOSIODRAMA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERILAKU ASERTIF MELALUI CERITA ISLAMI PADA SISWA DI SMP NEGERI 1 SUNGAI LOBAN TANAH BUMBU <p>The low assertive behavior of students includes the behavior of students who are still difficult to refuse things that are not wanted or difficult to defend their rights, do not dare to have an opinion, and do not dare to appear in front of the class. This study aims to determine the assertive behavior of students before, after, and the effectiveness of sociodrama techniques through Islamic stories to increase students' assertive behavior which is still low. This research is included in a quantitative experimental research with a one group pretest-posttest research design. Methods of collecting data using a scale of assertive behavior, interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis technique used SPSS 22, requirements test, t-test and Normalized Gain (N-Gain). The results showed that there was a difference before and after being given group guidance services with sociodrama techniques through Islamic stories with an average pretest value of 83.45 it was in the low category and the posttest average value of 118.42 turned into a high category. The test using the t-test shows that t count &gt; t table (14.765 &gt; 1.991) or sig &lt; 0.05 so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus the treatment of services provided is effective to improve students' assertive behavior. Based on the calculation of the score gain, the final result also shows the number 83.4973, which means that the value is included in the effective category.</p> Nuni Hadiyati Haris Fadilah Mufida Istati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-08-28 2022-08-28 2 1 240 252 10.18326/iciegc.v2i1.373