The Development of Multiple Representation Based on Student Worksheets to Improve Scientific Representation Skills

  • Intan Brilyanti Sugiono IAIN PONOROGO
Keywords: Worksheets, Multiple Representation, Science Environment, Environment Pollution, HOTS


The dynamics in science education cannot be separated from the development of technology, along with developments, the age of technology is increasingly mastering various fields in the world, including in the world of education, one of the areas of education that is affected is science education. Science education is expected to be able to bring students to adventure exploring the natural surroundings and recognize themselves through the knowledge, theories, concepts, and principles contained in science learning in order to keep up with the developments in the world of education.

One of the schools that also requires learning development is MTsN 4 Magetan, which based on a survey on January 29 has problems, namely the lack of student representation ability and low ability to analyze HOTS questions. So there is a need for learning support that is able to improve the representation ability of students in the form of multiple representation-based worksheets.

This study aims to develop multiple representation-based worksheets that have been tested for validity, implementation and effectiveness. This research is a Research and Development (RnD) research with the Borg n Gall model. This LKPD product development was validated by 7 expert validators. The sample used was 20 students of class VII G as a limited-scale trial class and 32 students of class VII B as a large-scale trial class.

The developed LKPD product has been declared suitable for use by students after passing 3 stages of testing namely validity, implementation and effectiveness based on 3 main indicators of scientific representation ability, namely connecting students' experiences, problem solving skills and synthesizing information.

How to Cite
Sugiono, I. (2022). The Development of Multiple Representation Based on Student Worksheets to Improve Scientific Representation Skills. Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students, 1(1).