Leadership of schools in the management perspective of islamic education in the 21st century

  • siti mutmainnah IAIN AMBON


The leadership of school principals in the 21st century is a formidable challenge where all educational processes have evolved to become increasingly sophisticated, so that the demands of being a principal have become a necessity for an institution to meet all the needs of the institution. The purpose of this research is to provide solutions for school principals in facing an increasingly changing era and so that institutions can be better prepared to deal with all these changes. Therefore, based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are obtained that answer the problems of this research, namely: 1) Understanding the leadership of the principal. 2) the responsibility of the principal in developing schools 3) the problems of the principal of the 21st century. 4). the principal's leadership process in influencing resources 5) teacher efficiency when replaced by robots. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method based on field studies with descriptive-qualitative analysis. Every era or era has opportunities and challenges that must be answered, therefore the principal as the highest peak in an agency must of course have high qualifications and capacities. Because with qualified qualifications and capacity these opportunities and challenges can be resolved properly.

How to Cite
mutmainnah, siti. (2022). Leadership of schools in the management perspective of islamic education in the 21st century. Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students, 1(1). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18326/aicoies.v1i1.331