Implementation of Early Childhood Safety Behavior in Islamic Early Childhood Education Unit

  • Asif Nur Ismah IAIN Salatiga
Keywords: safety behavior, early childhood


Early childhood is classified as an individual who has not been optimal in taking care of themselves. It is important to inculcate the ability to save oneself in every education unit, not least in the early childhood education (ECE) units. This paper reviews the application of early childhood safety behavior in an Islamic ECE unit. The research, which was conducted at TK ABA Pabelan in 2021, utilized the principal, teachers and children as data sources. Data collection techniques consist of interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and inference. Based on an in-depth search, it was found that safety behavior in TK ABA Pabelan was carried out by playing activities with fun learning media, role playing to avoid danger, as well as through verbal advice. All of which were done through a plan prepared in advance by the teacher.

How to Cite
Ismah, A. (2022). Implementation of Early Childhood Safety Behavior in Islamic Early Childhood Education Unit. Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students, 1(1).