Habituation of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in Islamic ECE Unit

  • Risya Khusnaini IAIN Salatiga
Keywords: clean and healthy living behavior; early childhood


Every human being has basic needs such as eating, drinking, breathing, shelter, and nutrition. To meet the nutritional needs, it is necessary to have the habit of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS) in children so that the provisions can be applied by children when they grow up. This qualitative descriptive study, which was conducted in 2021 at ABA Pabelan Kindergarten, used interviews, observations, and documentation as data collection techniques. The data sources include the head of ABA Kindergarten, teachers, and children. The collected data were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and inference. The results showed that the habituation of PHBS in ABA Pabelan Kindergarten was carried out through the following activities: 1) measuring weight, height and head circumference; 2) Familiarity with washing hands; 3) Inspection of nails once a week; 4) Dispose of garbage in its place; 5 Provision of clean bathrooms; 6) Examination of oral health, teeth and ears by health personnel; 7) Familiarize children to eat and drink healthy and nutritious; 8) Regular exercise.

How to Cite
Khusnaini, R. (2022). Habituation of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in Islamic ECE Unit. Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students, 1(1). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18326/aicoies.v1i1.344