• Anafi Muntiah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Ayunda Riska Puspita
Keywords: strengthening character education, the film Kulari ke Pantai, the value of character education


Planting character education requires interesting media, such as film. The film entitled Kulari ke Pantai is a children's film that contains character education values. This study aims to describe the value of character education in the Kulari ke Pantai films and the relevance of character education values ​​in the Kulari ke Pantai films for elementary level students. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of library research. To analyze the value of character education in a film literary work entitled Kulari to the Beach, researchers used a didactic approach. The collection of research data uses the withdrawal method with content analysis techniques as a data analysis technique. The results showed that the film Kulari ke Pantai contains nine values ​​of character education, including the values ​​of social care, tolerance, love of the motherland, hard work, honesty, religion, responsibility, respect for achievement, and communicative/friendly. Social care and tolerance are the most dominant character values ​​in the film Kulari ke Pantai. All of that character values ​​have relevance to elementary level students. Religious ​​and tolerance are relevant to religious values. Loving the motherland is relevant to nationalist values. Honesty, responsibility, and reward achievements are relevant to the values ​​of integrity. Hard work is relevant to the value of being independent. Social caring and communicative/friendly values ​​are relevant to mutual cooperation values. The film entitled Kulari ke Pantai is a relevant medium for implementing the Strengthening Character Education (PPK) movement, especially for elementary level students.

How to Cite
Muntiah, A., & Puspita, A. (2023). STRENGTHENING CHARACTER EDUCATION THROUGH KULARI KE PANTAI FILM. Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students, 2(1), 104-113.