This study aims to evaluate the increase in students' scientific literacy through the implementation of AR-assisted worksheets assisted by the human sensory system as an effort to increase students' scientific literacy. This research was conducted in March 2023 at Cilimus State High School. The research method used is a Quasi experimental design with nonequivalent design. The population in this study were all students of SMA Negeri Cilimus and the research sample was class XI IPA 4 as an experiment and XI IPA 6 as a control. The instruments used in this study were 10 essay test questions which contained 3 indicators of scientific literacy in competency aspects. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS software version 29. Based on the data analysis, it was found that there was an increase in students' scientific literacy by implementing the AR-assisted LKPD in the human sensory system. The results of the hypothesis test on increasing students' scientific literacy show a Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.001 <0.05 so Ho is rejected Ha is accepted. The average scientific literacy ability of students using AR-assisted LKPD is higher than the average scientific literacy ability using conventional LKPD. The increase in scientific literacy of superior experimental class students on 3 indicators of scientific literacy with the average acquisition of each indicator is included in the high category.

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