• Alya Zahro Azhari Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Ahmad Syukri Sitorus Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara


This study aims to find out how the application of character education in realizing the personality of an early childhood aged 4-6 years. The method of this research is literature review or literature study which contains theories that are relevant to problems in research taken by researchers, the results of this study are that the application of character education in realizing the personality of early childhood aged 4-6 years uses various strategies including playing methods, habituation, examples, advice, attention and supervision. The importance of character education from an early age is also explained by Muslich. By quoting Freud's statement, he explained that quality character needs to be formed and nurtured from an early age. Early age is a critical period for the formation of one's character. Failure to cultivate a good personality at an early age will form a problematic personality in adulthood. While the benefits of research are for readers, teachers and parents to pay more attention to their children with the methods described in this scientific paper in realizing a child's personality. , so that children are formed into individuals who have good morals, and success in implementing early childhood character education will also have an impact on their daily lives such as patience, awareness, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, independence, caring, commitment and respect for rights and obligations.. teachers and parents to pay more attention to their children with the methods described in this scientific paper in realizing a child's personality. , so that children are formed into individuals who have good morals, and success in implementing early childhood character education will also have an impact on their daily lives such as patience, awareness, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, independence, caring, commitment and respect for rights and obligations.. teachers and parents to pay more attention to their children with the methods described in this scientific paper in realizing a child's personality. , so that children are formed into individuals who have good morals, and success in implementing early childhood character education will also have an impact on their daily lives such as patience, awareness, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, independence, caring, commitment and respect for rights and obligations..

Keywords:Character Education, Personality, Early Childhood

How to Cite
Azhari, A., & Sitorus, A. (2023). APPLICATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN REALIZING THE PERSONALITY OF EARLY CHILDREN 4-6 YEARS. Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students, 2(1), 488-495.