• Suyatni Suyatni Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Farida Yufarlina Rosita Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Keywords: Character, Manners, Internalization, Learning Javanese


The character of good manners is important to instill considering that in the current era the younger generation is increasingly out of control, both in behavior and social interactions. So, it is better to instill this character if it is given to elementary school students as a strong foundation of polite character to face the challenges of the times. This polite character can be instilled through education in schools, one of which is through learning Javanese.

This study aims to (1) describe the internalization of learning Javanese to shape the polite character of students at SDIT Al-Banna Pacitan, (2) describe the factors that influence the internalization of learning Javanese to shape the polite character of students at SDIT Al-Banna Pacitan, ( 3) describe the relevance of learning Javanese to the character of politeness of students at SDIT Al-Banna Pacitan. This research was designed using qualitative research methods with a case study type. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation.

The results of the data analysis found that (1) the internalization of Javanese learning had implemented the stages of internalization but there were still some students who did not have good manners. (2) the factors that affect the internalization of Javanese language learning include family environment, living environment, the assumption that Javanese is difficult to understand, student disability, and the influence of technology. (3) the relevance between learning Javanese and the polite character of students is very close. This is proven by the presence of 10 indicators of courtesy, SDIT Al-Banna students are able to fulfill 8 indicators of courtesy.

How to Cite
Suyatni, S., & Rosita, F. (2023). INTERNALIZATION OF STUDENT COURTESY CHARACTER THROUGH JAVANESE LEARNING AT SDIT AL-BANNA PACITAN. Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students, 2(1), 533-544.