• Zainatul Mufaridah IAIN Ponorogo
  • Moh Miftachul Choiri IAIN Ponorogo
Keywords: Islamic Religious Education Learning, Inclusion Based


Every student has the right to receive an education regardless of the background they experience, the establishment of the educational institution SMPN 2 Satu Atap Jambon Ponorogo is a form of education with the application of inclusive-based learning, this is due to the large number of students with special needs and the conditions of the community environment. With the inclusion system, students can gain knowledge together with other regular participants in the same room. One of them is in studying Islamic Religious Education material. The purpose of this research is to describe the learning of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education at Satu Atap Public Middle School 2 Jambon Ponorogo, to describe the process of taking place Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education, supporting and inhibiting factors for the ongoing learning of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education and the positive impact of the implementation of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education in SMPN 2 Satu Atap Jambon Ponorogo. This research approach qualitative method, a type of case study regarding inclusion-based learning of Islamic Religious Education at SMPN 2 Satu Atap Jambon Ponorogo. The research data was collected using observation, interviews, and documentation. As well as data analysis techniques using interactive Miles, Huberman, and Saldana techniques in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Inclusion-based begins with the teacher's task, compiling learning tools according to the abilities of students. the learning process of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education at SMPN 2 Satu Atap Jambon Ponorogo is carried out by inclusive learning guidelines with regular class and pull-out education models. In the learning process of Islamic Religious Education teachers modify learning according to the needs of students, supporting and inhibiting factors of Inclusion-Based Islamic Religious Education learning. Supporting factors: the enthusiasm of the teaching staff, the patience of the teachers in teaching, the existence of spiritual activities, the existence of school spirit in students, the existence of a decree from the education office, the existence of cooperation with the health service, and the presence of special accompanying teachers. Two inhibiting factors: lack of school location, lack of development funds, lack of infrastructure, and lack of teacher training in dealing with children companion teachers, Positive impact: students gain the right to education, increase teacher insight, make it easier for the community to continue their education to a higher level, and be able to interact with friends regardless of physical disability.

How to Cite
Mufaridah, Z., & Choiri, M. M. (2023). INCLUSION-BASED ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LEARNING (CASE STUDY OF SMPN 2 SATU ATAP JAMBON PONOROGO). Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students, 2(1), 645-655.