Classroom Students Collaborative Abilities XII SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in Learning Biotechnology PJBL Integrated STEM Teaching Year 2023/2024

  • Balgis Siva Qurratu'ain Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Eriza Putri Ayu Ning Tias
  • M Galih Wicaksono
  • Tutut Widiyaningsih
  • Sandrina Meilyani
  • M. Reisa Andika
  • Endang Setyaningsih
Keywords: Keywords: Collaboration, PjBL-STEM, 21st Century Skills, Biotechnology, Class XII Students.


The education sector has a large role in supporting scientific and technological progress to improve the quality of human resources. One learning model that has great potential is project-based learning or PjBL. Apart from using the PjBL model, the STEM learning approach method is also very useful for the world of education. STEM connects science with technology and mathematics so that students have a holistic understanding of the relationship between science and learning experiences. The PjBL learning model is integrated with the STEM learning model to improve collaborative skills in the 21st century. Collaboration skills are one of the important abilities of the 21st century for an effective learning process. This research aims to determine the collaborative ability of class collection techniques using quantitative descriptions. Collaborative ability is measured through questionnaires and interviews. In data analysis, a percentage descriptive approach was used. The results of the study showed that the level of collaborative ability in the classroom, and responsibility skills were 36.9%, compromise skills were 41.2%, productive work skills were 39.6%, communication skills were 41.8%, skills in using technology in working together amounted to 41.8%, and the average value of the overall indicator percentage was 40.2%. with students' collaborative abilities being in the quite good category. So it is concluded that the STEM-integrated PjBL learning model can improve the collaboration abilities of class XII IPA students at SMAN 5 Surakarta FY 2023/2024 on biotechnology material.


How to Cite
Qurratu’ain, B., Ning Tias, E., Wicaksono, M., Widiyaningsih, T., Meilyani, S., Andika, M., & Setyaningsih, E. (2024). Classroom Students Collaborative Abilities XII SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in Learning Biotechnology PJBL Integrated STEM Teaching Year 2023/2024. Proceeding of International Interdiciplinary Conference And Research Expo, 1(1), 12-22.