The Efforts to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Skills Using a Contextual Approach in Learning Science in Class V MI Darussalam Lembu Students

  • Anisa Wahyu Utami UIN Salatiga
  • Erna Risfaula Kusumawati Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga
Keywords: critical thinking; contextual approach; science learning.


This study aims to describe efforts to improve student's critical thinking skills using a contextual approach to science learning for grade V students at MI Darussalam Lembu. This study uses qualitative techniques using descriptive methods with triangulation analysis based on observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that teachers design
situations and problems by using a contextual approach in learning science through situations and problems that are relevant to students' daily lives. The supporting factors are the
curriculum that supports the application of the contextual approach and the existence of a safe and comfortable learning environment that makes students ask questions, argue, and share their thoughts. While the inhibiting factor, limited effective time in learning. The role of teachers in efforts to improve critical thinking skills using a contextual approach in science learning is the teacher as a learning designer, as a facilitator, as a guide, and as a model of behavior in critical thinking.

How to Cite
Utami, A., & Kusumawati, E. R. (2024). The Efforts to Improve Student’s Critical Thinking Skills Using a Contextual Approach in Learning Science in Class V MI Darussalam Lembu Students. Proceeding of International Interdiciplinary Conference And Research Expo, 1(1), 73-87.